
Endless problems with a very simple python subprocess.Popen task

I'd like python to send around a half-million integers in the range 0-255 each to an executable written in C++. This executable will then respond with a few thousand integers. Each on one line. This seems like it should be very simple to do with subprocess but i've had endless troubles. Right now im testing with code: // main() u32 num;...

C equivalent to Perl "system()" or Python subprocess

How do I execute another program from within a C program in Windows 32 - in a similar way as Perl's system() function or Python's sub-process module - such as DEL, REG, or other cmd.exe programs? ...

Can I use an opened gzip file with Popen in Python?

I have a little command line tool that reads from stdin. On the command line I would run either... ./foo < bar or ... cat bar | ./foo With a gziped file I can run zcat bar.gz | ./foo in Python I can do ... Popen(["./foo", ], stdin=open('bar'), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) but I can't do import gzip Popen(["./foo", ], stdin=gzip...

Forking Multiple Apps Under Python Subprocess

Hello all. I have been looking through Google and SO for something that could help me solve this but I have run into a block. I am a bit new to Python but I am looking for a way to run multiple apps that will continuously run in the background. For example, I need 4 apps to start up with a param -appnum set to a different value. I woul...

how to kill (or avoid) zombie processes with subprocess module

When I kick off a python script from within another python script using the subprocess module, a zombie process is created when the subprocess "completes". I am unable to kill this subprocess unless I kill my parent python process. Is there a way to kill the subprocess without killing the parent? I know I can do this by using wait(), b...

python subprocess block

Hello. I'm having a problem with the module subprocess. I'm running a script from python through: subprocess.Popen('./',shell=True).communicate() and sometimes it just blocks and it doesn't finish to execute the script. Before I was using .wait() instead of .communicate() but then because of this:

read subprocess stdout line by line

My python script uses subprocess to call a linux utility that is very noisy. I want to store all of the output to a log file, but only show some of it to the user. I thought the following would work, but the output does show up in my application until the utility has produced a significant amount of output., just gene...

How to "signal" interested child processes (without signals)?

I'm trying to find a good and simple method to signal child processes (created through SocketServer with ForkingMixIn) from the parent process. While Unix signals could be used, I want to avoid them since only children who are interested should receive the signal, and it would be overkill and complicated to require some kind of registra...

Cleaning up temp folder after long-running subprocess exits

I have a Python script (running inside another application) which generates a bunch of temporary images. I then use subprocess to launch an application to view these. When the image-viewing process exists, I want to remove the temporary images. I can't do this from Python, as the Python process may have exited before the subprocess com...

Python subprocess.Popen hangs in 'for l in p.stdout' until p terminates, why?

I have that code: #!/usr/bin/python -u localport = 9876 import sys, re, os from subprocess import * tun = Popen(["./newtunnel", "22", str(localport)], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) print "** Started tunnel, waiting to be ready ..." for l in tun.stdout: sys.stdout.write(l) if"Waiting for connection", l): ...

Gzip and subprocess' stdout in python

I'm using python 2.6.4 and discovered that I can't use gzip with subprocess the way I might hope. This illustrates the problem: May 17 18:05:36> python Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Mar 10 2010, 14:41:19) [GCC 4.1.2 20071124 (Red Hat 4.1.2-42)] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import...

Subprocess fails to catch the standard output

I am trying to generate tree with fasta file input and Alignment with MuscleCommandline import sys,os, subprocess from Bio import AlignIO from Bio.Align.Applications import MuscleCommandline cline = MuscleCommandline(input="c:\Python26\opuntia.fasta") child= subprocess.Popen(str(cline), stdout = subprocess.PIPE,...

Execute a BASH command in Python-- in the same process

I need to execute the command . /home/db2v95/sqllib/db2profile before I can import ibm_db_dbi in Python 2.6. Executing it before I enter Python works: baldurb@gigur:~$ . /home/db2v95/sqllib/db2profile baldurb@gigur:~$ python Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Dec 7 2009, 18:45:15) [GCC 4.4.1] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "...

How to determine subprocess.Popen() failed when shell=True

Windows version of Python 2.6.4: Is there any way to determine if subprocess.Popen() fails when using shell=True? Popen() successfully fails when shell=False >>> import subprocess >>> p = subprocess.Popen( 'Nonsense.application', shell=False ) Traceback (most recent call last): File ">>> pyshell#258", line 1, in <module> p = subp...

Terminate subprocess in Windows, access denied

- import time import subprocess from os.path import expanduser chrome_path = expanduser('~\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe') proc = subprocess.Popen(chrome_path) time.sleep(4) proc.terminate() Output: WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied How can I kill the Chrome process? Python 2.6 on Win...

Dealing with external processes

I've been working on a gui app that needs to manage external processes. Working with external processes leads to a lot of issues that can make a programmer's life difficult. I feel like maintenence on this app is taking an unacceptably long time. I've been trying to list the things that make working with external processes difficult s...

Problem executing script using Python and yet works in Bash

Hello, For the first time, I am asking a little bit of help over here as I am more of a ServerFault person. I am doing some scripting in Python and I've been loving the language so far yet I have this little problem which is keeping my script from working. Here is the code line in question :'xen-create-image --hostna...

python os.mkfifo() for Windows

Hello. Short version (if you can answer the short version it does the job for me, the rest is mainly for the benefit of other people with a similar task): In python in Windows, I want to create 2 file objects, attached to the same file (it doesn't have to be an actual file on the hard-drive), one for reading and one for writing, such t...

What's a good equivalent to python's subprocess.check_call that returns the contents of stdout?

I'd like a good method that matches the interface of subprocess.check_call -- ie, it throws CalledProcessError when it fails, is synchronous, &c -- but instead of returning the return code of the command (if it even does that) returns the program's output, either only stdout, or a tuple of (stdout, stderr). Does somebody have a method t...

Running shell commands without a shell window

With either or subprocess.Popen, executing a shell command makes a shell window quicky appear and disappear. How can I run the shell command without the shell window? ...