
Inserting "null" (literally) in to a stored procedure parameter.

I'm trying to insert the word "Null" (literally) in to a parameter for a stored procedure. For some reason SqlServer seems to think I mean NULL and not "Null". If I do a check for IF @LastName IS NULL // Test: Do stuff Then it bypasses that because the parameter isn't null. But when I do: INSERT INTO Person (<params>) VALUES (<stuff...

What is the current status of SubSonic ORM project?

VS2010 .Net4 Is SubSonic still the tool of choice? Are there easier ways to accomplish the creation of a DAL with the stock tools in VS2010? I need to convert a project that was done with Subsonic 2.03 several years ago and would like to hear opinions on the "right" way to do this. TIA J ...

Subsonic help, how to list only the first record

Hi I'm doing a little report using subsonic I'm pretty noob And I can't figure how to list only the first record in my report I'm doing something like: new Select("id,Name,place,group").From(User.Schema) .InnerJoin(Profile.Schema) .InnerJoin(userGroup.Schema) ...

SubSonic - How can i create my business logic layer

Hi Guys Im new to subsonic and generally this was of programming, i usually develop from a rad perspective so using the visual studio dataset designer, but i wanted to start looking at developing n teir approach. Ive never used a business logic layer, (naughy) normally my code behind takes care of validation so to speak aswell as gener...