
C Check Substring of a String C

I'm trying to check whether or not the second argument in my program is a substring of the first argument. The problem is that it only work if the substring starts with the same letter of the string. EDIT: It must be done in C, not C++. Sorry int main(int argc, char **argv){ if (argc != 3) { printf ("Usage: check <string o...

grabbing a substring while scraping with Python2.6

Hey can someone help with the following? I'm trying to scrape a site that has the following information.. I need to pull just the number after the </strong> tag.. [<li><strong>ISBN-13:</strong> 9780375853401</li>, <li><strong>Pub. Date: </strong> 05/11/2010</li>] [<li><strong>UPC:</strong> 490355000372</li>, <li><strong>Catalog No:</st...

mysql: search all tables for a specific substring

Short of SQL-dumping my entire database to text and searching that, is there a way to search for a specific substring in all tables of a MySQL database if you are not sure which table/record/field that substring actually occurs? ...

Is there an elegant, industry standard way of implementing substr in C?

Is there an elegant, cross-platform, industry standard way of implementing substr() in C? or is it a case of every developer reinventing the wheel? EDIT: Added 'cross-platform'. ...

Remove a character from a given position on Oracle

Is there anyway to remove a character from a given position? Let's say my word is: PANCAKES And I want to remove the 2nd letter (in this case, 'A'), so i want PNCAKES as my return. Translate doesnt work for this. Replace doesnt work for this. Regex is damn complicated... Ideas? ...

Dividing a string into substring in JAVA

Hi, As per my project I need to devide a string into two parts. below is the example: String searchFilter = "(first=sam*)(last=joy*)"; Where searchFilter is a string. I want to split above string to two parts first=sam* and last=joy* so that i can again split this variables into first,sam*,last and joy* as per my requirement. I d...

What is the fastest method to calculate substring

I have a huge "binary" string, like: 1110 0010 1000 1111 0000 1100 1010 0111.... It's length is 0 modulo 4, and may reach 500,000. I have also a corresponding array: {14, 2, 8, 15, 0, 12, 10, 7, ...} (every number in the array corresponds to 4 bits in the string) Given this string, this array, and a number N, I need to calculate the ...

substring IP address in java

This program takes string like that and cut every number then converts it to integer, but it returns an error. import java.lang.String; import java.lang.Number; import java.lang.Integer; class Ip { public static void main ( String [] args ) { int i ; i = args[0].indexOf ( '.' ); do { ...

Remove Trailing Slash From Batch File Input

I have a batch file that I want to improve. Instead of requiring a user to provide a folder path without a trailing slash, is there an easy way for me to just remove the last character from the path if there is a slash on the end? :START @echo What folder do you want to process? (Provide a path without a closing backslash) set /p datapa...

.NET C# mysql SUBSTRING gives me System.Byte[]?

This this code: SELECT SUBSTRING(posted,1,4) as year FROM styles reader = cmd1.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); reader.Read(); Response.Write(reader[0].ToString()); I only get the string "System.Byte[]" printed out. How come? If I use the software Mysql Query Browser I get the actual string from my database. I underst...

Regular Expression Postive Lookahead substring

I am fairly new to regular expressions and the more and more I use them, the more I like them. I am working on a regular expression that must meet the following conditions: Must start with an Alpha character Out of the next three characters, at least one must be an Alpha character. Anything after the first four characters is an automa...

Is there a way to use a substring function on variables in .vimrc?

I have gVim and portable python stored in a DropBox folder on several machines. The location of the DropBox folder is different on each computer. However, I'd like to be able to setup the .vimrc so that it automatically references the correct python folder no matter what computer it's on. For example, I have gVim in C:\DropBox\gVimPor...

VB.NET - Find a Substring in an ArrayList, StringCollection or List(Of String)

I've got some code that creates a list of AD groups that the user is a member of, with the intention of saying 'if user is a member of GroupX then allow admin access, if not allow basic access'. I was using a StringCollection to store this list of Groups, and intended to use the Contains method to test for membership of my admin group, ...

Fastest way to pad a number in Java to a certain number of digits

Am trying to create a well-optimised bit of code to create number of X-digits in length (where X is read from a runtime properties file), based on a DB-generated sequence number (Y), which is then used a folder-name when saving a file. I've come up with three ideas so far, the fastest of which is the last one, but I'd appreciate any adv...

Problem to get a Substring from a String?

Hi all, i have a little question ,i have a NSString object (\n "1 Infinite Loop",\n "Cupertino, CA 95014",\n USA\n) and i want the substring present within 2nd double quote and first comma of 2nd double quote (Ex.Cupertino) from this string.(Note: My string is Dynamic) Till now i have used stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: and abl...

Using jQuery to find a substring

Say you have a string: "The ABC cow jumped over XYZ the moon" and you want to use jQuery to get the substring between the "ABC" and "XYZ", how would you do this? The substring should be "cow jumped over". Many thanks! ...

Substring matches within SOLR

I can't seem to figure out how to find substring matches with SOLR, I've figured out matches based on a prefix so I can get ham to match hamburger. How would I get a search for 'burger' to match hamburger as well? I tried burger but this tossed an error '*' or '?' not allowed as first character in WildcardQuery. How can I match substr...

simple question about substring in C#

This is perhaps too easy but I do not know from where to start. I have stings like "'02HEX'aspoodsasas'CR''LF'" Now I want to extract stings between char(02) and char(12); Until now I did following string s = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", (char)02, "12345678", (char)12); int chindx = s.IndexOf((char)02)+1; s = s.Substring(chindx, 8) M...

xslt: substring-before

I have the folowing xml code: <weather-code>14 3</weather-code> <weather-code>12</weather-code> <weather-code>7 3 78</weather-code> Now i'd like to only grab the first number of each node to set a background image. So for each node i have the folowing xslt: <xsl:attribute name="style"> background-image:url('../icon_<xsl:value-of se...

What is the best way to store a spectrogram graph as a data struture that can be compared against?

I have created a process similar to Shazam that creates a Spectrogram of a given sound clip. I am trying to figure out a way in which to store this data into a database so that I can run comparisons on it. (I dont need actual code, just conceptual help on the process). For those unfamiliar with a spectrogram, its a graph of time on the ...