
Content display problems when using Suckerfish menus with and IE

I'm using layout and when I add the suckerfish menu as part of the content to one of the grids, the contents of adjacent siblings bleed through the menu in all versions of IE. In the listed html below, the text from 'belowFoldSection' will appear through the menu when it is visible and has enough items to make it span over 2nd se...

Javascript/CSS rollover menus are patented and subject to licensing?

Very interesting finding that a client brought to my attention today regarding javascript style rollover menus. They got a call from their legal dept that they need to change the manner in which their rollover menu is activated (at the risk of having to pay license to continue using the navigation technique). Its no April fools joke, app...

Suckerfish CSS menu not expanding for submenu

My suckefish menu on site cut off the right side of my menu. when you hover over practice areas it cuts of the word LAW. Some assistance would be appreciated. ...

dropdown hidden behind divs in IE7

Hi I've finally got Suckerfish working and styled but in IE7 it is hidden behind the divs below it. See the dropdown on the 'Your Video/Pics' button here. I know usually a z-index would solve the issue but in this case it seems not. Can anyone help? Don't worry this site is not supposed to work in IE6 ;) ...

Bizarre Son of Suckerfish ie6/ie7 problem - 2 letters from right-most dropdown menu also appearing on left side of screen

I'm interning for an NGO in India and trying to fix their website, including updating their menu so it's not the last item on the page to load, and it's centered on the screen. Everything works well enough but when I try out my new menu in IE6, I get this weird error where the content below the menu is padded an extra 30px or so and the ...

How do I make a suckerfish/superfish CSS dropdown that sticks to the right hand side of the page?

I am developing a CSS dropdown menu based on the suckerfish CSS. I would like to put it on the right hand side of the page but the menus extend from the leftmost edge of each menu to the right, instead of from the rightmost edge of each menu to the left (as is necessary to keep the rightmost dropdown menu from opening outside the visible...

Suckerfish menu drop down not showing in IE6 and IE7

Hi, Normally I would post the code of just the menu but the menu on its own works but when put in the surrounding code this menu fails to work in IE6 and IE7. So the menu can be found in use here: I think the problem I am having here is the IE absolute positioning bug explained here http://www.brunildo.o...

Problem with horizontal menu and IE7

Hi, I made horizontal menu with some sub-menu items. Unfortunately I third level sub-menu items does not appear in IE7. Whole html, css code and working menu you can see at How I found out, IE7 hides third level in second level. If I change css margin from #main-nav li ul ul { width:202px; margin:...

CSS dropdown appearing too quickly in IE

I have created a CSS dropdown menu using suckerfish. The problem with it is when you click the top level nav item that takes you to category pages, the pointer is still over that nav item and the dropdown appears automatically in IE. Its fine for Firefox as the dropdown will not appear until I move the mouse, however IE just kicks in...

Fluid width Son of Suckerfish dropdown menus

For CSS dropdown menus, I usually stick with the Son of Suckerfish dropdowns. The technique works extremely well, but there's one small thing that's always bothered me: the width of the dropdown links is always fixed. Are there any ways to automatically resize the width of the items in a Suckerfish dropdown menu? If not, are there an...

Superfish dropdown clipped by table bounds

Hello, I am having a problem using Superfish dropdowns inside a jQuery grid. It looks like the dropdown is being clipped by the table bounds. I’ve researched this and it seems to be a z-index issue except that I have tried various combinations of z-index to no avail. Here’s a screenshot of what it looks like: I can post the css and ...