
What is the suffix used for long long constants

Hello, If i want to use something like below in a C code: if(num < 0x100000000LL) I want the comparison to happen on a long long constant, but suffix LL doesn't work in MSVC6.0 , but it works in MS Visual Studio 2005. How can i get it working in MSVC 6.0? -Ajit ...

how to wrap (prefix & suffix) all values in a column with a string?

I have a mysql table with about 1000 rows in it. id column 1 apple 2 banana ... etc I need a mysql query (UPDATE) to wrap (prefix & suffix) all values in a column with a specific string, let's say "_", so I am expecting a result: id column 1 _apple_ 2 _banana_ ... etc How to do that? Please, advice. ...

Asset URLs without cache timestamps in Rails

I'm using a transparent PNG with the Google IE fix library. This fix only works on images urls that end in "-trans.png". Rails' timestamp-based caching is causing problems with this. When I use image_path() to generate the URL for the image, it appends the file's last-modified timestamp to the image's query string. Since the URL no long...

No implicit int -> short conversion in ternary statement

short s; s = (EitherTrueOrFalse()) ? 0 : 1; This fails with: error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' to 'short'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) Can anyone explain why this is so? The only thing I can think of is that the compiler doesn't look at the second value and doesn't know the range...

Does mysql have function for returning a number with ordinal suffix?

Basically I'm looking for something like SELECT ordinal(my_number) FROM my_table which would return 1st 11th 1071st ... etc but preferrably without the use of a stored procedure ...

IE6 "helpfully" appends suffix to downloaded file

A webapp I've been developing allows users to upload and download a type of file which is meant to be treated as an opaque blob. My app serves it up with a file extension not commonly used for any other purpose, as well as specifying that its MIME Content-Type is application/octet-stream. Internally, the file is a simple Zip archive co...

What does it mean when numbers end with U

As in this code: int nx = (int)((rev3[gx]) / 193U); Whats with the U in the end of 193 ? ...

C# Custom data type!

After I decided to implement my Int128 in C#, I thought it would be nice to make it look like other dotNet data types.. But I could not implement the following feature: suffix initialization: such as 13L and 0.2D Can I make my own suffix in C#? And if I can not.. how can I initialize it? i.e Int128 a= ?? ...

Styling individual menu links in Joomla!

Using Joomla, I have a flat list menu (see image) and am using separator links with images to separate the menu links. I'd like to style the menu links (not the separator links) so that they are lifted up slightly and are sitting more centrally among the separator images. Can anybody help with this? ...

How to setup suffix proxy server

Hi, Can anyone guide me for setting up suffix proxy server , so that user can access some specific sites cached in our campus server without doing any configuration in their browsers. by suffix proxy i mean that if user wants to open http: // page then he should enter link: http ://

Recursively remove filename suffix from files in shell

When we develop locally, we append ".dev" or ".prod" to files that should be made available only to the development/production server respectively. What I would like to do is; after deploying the site to the server, recursively find all files with the ".dev" suffix (for example) and remove it (renaming the file). How would I go about do...

PHP - Add Prefix and suffix

oops sorry.. i need to add it to multi line, here the form file <?php if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"" .$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']. "\">"; echo "Info Box:<textarea name=\"infoBox\" /></textarea><br />"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" />"; echo "</form>"; } ...

Android EditText with a Fixed Suffix

Hi,on Android, i need an EditText with a fixed Suffix (A String i want to add to the text).Now i'm using a TextWatcher to catch the onTextChanged Event, but if i change the Text again adding my suffix, it goes on StackOverflow caused by an infinite recursion. Sorry if is not sounds clear, but i'm a java novice and i have a bad english....