
SQL Sum Column before inserting into #temp

In my SPROC a table named #temp1 contains the following columns: #temp1 (StoreId, StoreDesc, ReservedQty, AvgPrice, QtyOnHand) My question is based on the following query INSERT INTO #temp2 (StoreId, StoreDesc, CommittedQty) (SELECT StoreId, StoreDesc, CASE WHEN ReservedQty > QtyOnHand THEN sum(QtyOnHand * AvgPrice) ELSE su...

MySQL Join SUM column on the whole table

Hi all, Let's say I had the following table: id num_votes total_rating ------------------------------- 1 20 30 2 40 13 3 15 25 I want to join the SUM of all ids, let's say, onto the entire table so it looks like: id num_votes total_rating sum ----------------------------------...

Performing a query on a result from another query?

I have a the query: SELECT availables.bookdate AS Date, DATEDIFF(now(),availables.updated_at) as Age FROM availables INNER JOIN rooms ON WHERE availables.bookdate BETWEEN '2009-06-25' AND date_add('2009-06-25', INTERVAL 4 DAY) AND rooms.hostel_id = 5094 GROUP BY availables.bookdate Which returns something l...

Error in SQL SUM in QueryBuilder -SQL Server

I get this error "Cannot call methods on int" when I try and execute the following sql statement in MVS datasource querybuilder. SELECT item_k.ItemID, item_k.Name AS Expr1, SUM(item_k.Price) AS TotalPrice FROM item_k INNER JOIN orderitems_k ON item_k.ItemID = orderitems_k.ItemID GROUP BY item_k.Name what seems ...

SQL decode on column4 but only when column5 is distinct

Hi folks, I need to change the sum(decode()) expressions that are like SUM(Decode(vcon.WAGON_TYPE_CODE,'MS',1,0)) to something that counts rows with vcon.WAGON-TYPE-CODE = 'MS' but only when wag.ACI-TAG-NO is distinct. So if two columns look like this vcon.WAGON_TYPE_CODE wag.ACI_TAG_NO MS HI1111 SS ...

How can I change NULL to 0 when getting a single value from a SQL function?

Hi, I have a query that counts the price of all items between two dates. Here is the select statement: SELECT SUM(Price) AS TotalPrice FROM InventoryWHERE (DateAdded BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate) You can assume all of the tables have been set up properly. If I do a select between two dates and there are no items within that date r...

How to use Java pakages with Groovy

I'm at school and we are doing this java stuff. We use a special library named sum.kern: I want to use Groovy instead of Java. But I can't get groovy to use this library. If I add the jar in grape and try to import sum.kern and create a sum.kern.Bildschirm it says that it is not able to find it. How to ...

sum arrays

Hi there I have to sum some arrays(an array of arrays). The structure of my arrays is like this: Array([id]=>some_id, [name]=>some_name, [value]=>float_value) I know that I have N arrays as the one before. I need to sum those with the same id. any idea? Example: ** Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => John00 [value] => 0.9 ) ...

Reporting Services: Two Tables One Sum

My report is as follows: One table provides financial information with sums at the group footer (Grouping is called "StockTable_Shipped"). The group is controlled by a boolean value (1=shows shipped data, 0 = shows received data) The second table is a variance report for data that has been shipped (boolean value of 1) and has a sum at ...

PHP - Summing an array of decimal values

I'm trying to calculate the sum of an array of decimal values in PHP, but for some reason it keeps rounding to integers. for example: $oldArray = array(0.00,1000.11,988.92,978.22,964.01,953.07,948.82,917.26,902.56,913.21,904.08,898.86,892.79); $myVar = 0.0; for($k=1;$k<10;$k++) { $myVar += $oldArray[$k]; } print_r($myVar); $oldArray ...

How to deal with silent mysql sum() integer overflow?

I've got this table with an int(11) column and hundreds of millions of rows. When I run a query like SELECT SUM(myIntColumn) as foo FROM myTable; the return value does not make sense--it is smaller than the the single largest max value. My values for this column max out somewhere around 500m, and the signed int should be able to ha...

Group sum from two tables according to date in MySQL

Hi, I have two different tables, lead and click. I would like to query MySQL to get the sum of the commissions generated by clicks and leads ordered by date. Lead id|date|commission Click id|date|commission (Both have other fields, but they aren't important for this question.) So if I had: Lead: 1|2009-06-01|400 2|2009-06-01|3...

LINQ | How do I get SUM without grouping?

Crazy question...however, I want the sum of all the rows in a table for a column (without using the group by clause) Example: Table = Survey Columns = Answer1, Answer2, Answer3 1 1 1 4 3 5 3 3 2 I want the sums for each column. Final results should look like: Ans...

T-SQL, zero sum for no match on join

Hi All I have two tables, one with all my Branches, and one with all my sales. The sales table also contains a Sales Rep ID, a Branch ID, a month and a year. I need a query that will return the sum of a specific rep's sales for a year, grouped by branch and month, and the query must return 0 if there has been no sales in a branch for ...

Union with Count OR Join with Sum - MySQL

Hi, I want to combine three tables - date, lead and click - in a query. The tables looks like this: date: |date| lead: id|time|commission click: id|time|commission The table date is just storing dates and is used when getting dates with no click or lead. So if we have the following data in the tables: date: 2009-06-01 200...

I need help writing a summation query in MySQL

I have a table that looks like this: posid sales eid 1 20 001 1 20 002 1 30 001 2 30 001 1 30 002 2 30 001 1 30 002 2 20 002 2 10 002 I want to write a query that would give me sum...

Do aggregate MySQL functions always return a single row?

I'm sorry if this is really basic, but: I feel at some point I didn't have this issue, and now I am, so either I was doing something totally different before or my syntax has skipped a step. I have, for example, a query that I need to return all rows with certain data along with another column that has the total of one of those columns...

python's sum() and non-integer values

Is there a simple and quick way to use sum() with non-integer values? So I can use it like this: class Foo(object): def __init__(self,bar) mylist=[Foo(3),Foo(34),Foo(63),200] result=sum(mylist) # result should be 300 I tried overriding __add__ and __int__ etc, but I don't have found a solution yet EDIT: Th...

Problem using SUM function with SQLite3 on iPhone

Hi, I am using SQLite3 in my iPhone app to select data from a table (tbresults), do some calculations on the data and display it in my uitableview. The sql command uses the SUM function and my app doesn't seem to like it. The method where I do the select from the table is below but processing seems to fail at the following line. if(s...

.Net - Fastest way to sum a collection of numeric values

I have a method which summarizes a collection of decimal values using a method similar to this... Dim _amountCollection as New List(Of Decimal) _amountCollection.Add(145.12D) _amountCollection.Add(11.32D) _amountCollection.Add(6547.07D) Dim _totalAmount as Decimal For Each _individualAmount as Decimal in _amountCollection _totalAmou...