
What is the best way to configure iPlanet/Sun ONE be the HTTP/HTTPS front end to a JBoss/Tomcat application?

What is the best way to configure iPlanet/Sun ONE be the HTTP/HTTPS front end to a JBoss/Tomcat application? Are there any performance considerations? How would this compare with the native integration between Apache httpd and Tomcat? ...

"Class does not support automation" error when i call Request.ServerVariables("remote_host")

I'm in the process of writing a basic cookie for an ecommerce site which is going to store the user's IP among other details. We'll then record the pages they view in the database and pull out a list of recently viewed pages. However i'm having an issue with the following code. dim caller caller = Response.Cookies("caller") if caller ...

How do I load an XML document in a SUN One ASP hosting environment in Linux

Hi, I am working on an ASP site hosted using SUN One (used to be called Chillisoft) server. I am having trouble loading in an XML file, the code I am using is below dim directory set directory = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument") if(directory.load(Server.MapPath("directory.xml"))) then Response.Write("Loaded") else Re...