
Seapine Software - Surround - Automated Builds

I'm thinking of working towards an automated build process where I work (currently our builds are a manual process). Our version control software is from Seapine - Surround SCM and TestTrack. There is a CLI reference guide for Surround. Does anyone have any experience with automating Visual Studio 2008 builds with Surround SCM for ver...

Librarys for DD 5.1 sound

I would like to generate, play, record Dolby Digital 5.1 sounds. My goal is a program like "atmosphere" . A good source for sounds is I would like a been flying from left behind to front right, fading away. ...

Is there an extension or mode in Emacs similar to surround.vim?

Surround.vim is a nifty vim extension that allows you to surround blocks of text with , brackets, braces, and pretty much any arbitrary "surround" character. It supports paragraph and word surround, but I frequently use it in visual mode. I'm playing around with Emacs and wondering if there's something similar; something that will let me...

How do I match a pattern with optional surrounding quotes?

How would one write a regex that matches a pattern that can contain quotes, but if it does, must have matching quotes at the beginning and end? "?(pattern)"? Will not work because it will allow patterns that begin with a quote but don't end with one. "(pattern)"|(pattern) Will work, but is repetitive. Is there a better way to do t...