
error on line 39 at column 26: Namespace prefix xlink for href on script is not defined

i am embedding a javascript file inside an svg file like this: <svg xmlns:dc="" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" xmlns:sodipodi="http://sodipodi.sou...

error on line 1 at column 1: Document is empty

after many questions i am still puzzled as to what my question should be i am getting this error when i add CSS into my SVG: style.css * {margin:0; padding:0} body {font:11px/1.5 Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background:#FFF} #text {margin:50px auto; width:500px} .hotspot {color:#900; padding-bottom:1px; border-bottom:1px dott...

javascript code not executing!

i have an index.html lik ethis: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns=""&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>JavaScript Tooltip Demo</title> <link rel="stylesh...

svg tutorials that show how to do mouseover

a. i have a huge SVG file 2. i have objects in the SVG file that look like this: <path style="fill:#f7d3aa;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1" d="M 923.03026,37.975518 C 922.57184,38.995849 921.76084,41.697403 921.76084,44.352463 C 921.76084...

How do I put linebreaks in tooltips?

i am using this tutorial to add tooltips to my svg: here is a sample of my svg: <path d="M 747.96137,581.40584 L 749.98034,589.3338 L 753.58521,598.75 L 758.74146,607.8125 L 762.33521,613.90625 L 767.02271,619.21875 L 770.92896,622.8125 L 772.49146,625.625 L 771.39771,626.87...

question about correctly structuring javascript, css, and svg

i have a index.html file which includes svg and CSS file and 2 javascripts file and has a javascript function inside of it for some reason i cannot get the javascript function to run. is the strucutre supposed to be different>? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "

is it possible to insert a line break in this tooltip?

i have a pretty map of the US: i would like to implement a tooltip with multiline functionality such as here over the red square: please help me get started on this. i will be offering a maximum bounty on t...

Filter JQuery Method By Compatibility

I am patching JQuery to work against svgweb. svgweb implements the SVG DOM in Flash for IE, and marshal's Flash calls via fake DOM nodes. Needless to say, JQuery doesn't work with svgweb. So, I'm patching select methods in JQuery, like (attr, hasClass, css, etc...) to work with svgweb. Is there a way to test JQuery method calls against ...

Draw a Connection Line in RaphaelJS

How would I go about drawing a connection line in Raphael where the mousedown initiates the starting point of the line, the mousemove moves the end point without moving the start point and the mouseup leaves it as it is? ...

How to transition between two SVG images?

Hi, I have a div with a background image set to an SVG image. I need to transition between two SVG images, how would I accomplish this? I am referring to CSS 3 transitions, but other solutions are also welcome. ...

Firefox SVG: Clip

I'm trying to delete the corners of an img element: <html xmlns="" xmlns:svg=""&gt; <body> <style type="text/css"> #div { background: #ffffff; width: 500px; height: 300px; padding: 10px; } #div img { background: #000000; } </style> <div id="div"><img src="

how to dynamically update svg using Raphael?

Hi all, I'm trying to write something to simplify experimentation with SVG path, but i have a problem where it doesn't actually update the screen when i can verify that the svg code is updated. Basically the work flow is as follows: I type something into the input box (A path string), and click draw, it will clear the canvas, then draw ...

Web application in SVG, performance issues and viability

Hi all, We are a new startup that is going to develop a web app for the Fashion industry. We were thinking of going with canvas (are not bothered about IE support) but now after reading about Raphaeljs and jQuerySVG, we are intrigued as to the possibilities of building the entire interface & units in SVG. Here are the advantages that c...

Read SVG file with Python/PIL

I'm new to Python so please be patient with me. Basically my script should run like this: 1) Load an image and split it into R, G, B channels 2) Mark an area of that image with an existing path saved as a svg file and 3) perform some calculations with the R,G,B values of this area. (further send the the image either to folder A or B, ...

I want to make a flowchart application in a browser. Which SVG Library to use?

As a fun project, I am going to make a simple flowchart app to learn some new html features, but I am unsure whether this is more appropriate for canvas or SVG (and which lib to use). I believe that SVG is more appropriate here since everything is basically shapes connected to lines (sounds like vector graphics to me), but if you think ...

SVG Drag/Resize

I want to make an svg element (path, rect, or circle) be able to be draggable and give it resize handles. But unlike HTML DOM, not all elements have an upper left hand corner x,y coordinate and a width and height for a box surrounding the content. This makes it inconvenient to make a generic resize or drag procedure. Is it a good ide...

Extract absolute path operation from SVG data value

I have the following d attribute for SVG but the question is about regular expression : M772.333,347.86c0,2.284-1.652,4.14-3.689,4.14h-52.622c-2.038,0-3.69-1.854-3.69-4.14V296.139c0-2.286,15.652-1.14,17.69-1.14l-0.189-3h38.81c2.039,0-0.31,4.854-0.31,7.14L772.333,347.86z I'm looking for a way to get the blocks that has capital and a ser...

Rendering issue using Canvas in Chrome extension

I'm trying to do some drawing with SVG as a div background in a Chrome extension and seeing real strange rendering artifacts. I put an image here since I don't have enough reputation to upload one... The problem is those veritcal lines which appear when I click the text. It also happens when I dismiss a win...

Using JQuery with Raphael

I have created an image map with Raphael. I want the div containing the Raphael canvas to fade out using JQuery when one of the paths in the image map (path10 in the example below) is clicked. The code below does not work, but am I on the right track? <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> window.onload = function () { ...

Draggables and Resizables in SVG

I want to make an svg element (path, rect, or circle) be able to be draggable and give it resize handles. But unlike HTML DOM, not all elements have an upper left hand corner x,y coordinate and a width and height for a box surrounding the content. This makes it inconvenient to make a generic resize or drag procedure. Is it a good idea ...