
QT - SvgDisplayWidget - Which ID was clicked on?

Hey, I have a gui which shows .svg file. When user clicks (or better when unclicks), the mouseReleaseEvent is called. How do I find out which SVG image in particular (the ID) was clicked on? I'd like to use is here: void SvgDisplayWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) {} Thanks ...

RaphaelJS: Creating click-through elements?

I need to overlay a label on top of multiple clickable elements. I want to be able to click on an element through the label on top of it. Is this possible? If so, how would I accomplish this? ...

Canvas or SVG UI Components

I want to build a web app using either canvas or SVG. But I would like to use a library that gives me some pre-made ui components like file menus or forms. What are some of the libraries out there that could accomplish this with either of these technologies? ...

Font shadows using Raphaël—JavaScript Library

I would like to put a shadow around any given text, or make the text more anti-aliased looking. For example lets say I'm running a simple text such as: var titleName = R.text(x+200, y-75, "Lorem Ipsoup de jour") .attr({font: '75px Helvetica, Arial', opacity: 1, fill: "#dfe6ec"}) The text is somewhat chunky looking at...

What is the best SVG IDE?

I am looking for some IDE for working with SVG files that supports SVG animations. Something that has powerful XML editor and visual GUI editor, so it is equally easy to drag objects around with a mouse and edit actual sources yourself. ...

Display .svg image in cfm problem

There is an svg file I want put into my cfm page. Safari can render it correctly, however, other browsers: In Chrome and Opera it will only show up as xml source; In IE it just left as blank; In FF it display as a plugin icon, if I click it, it will search for plugin, eventually will tell me there is no plugin available. I had Adobe SVG ...

How to loop SVG animation sequence?

I have sequence of animationTransform: <animateTransform attributeName="transform" attributeType="XML" type="rotate" from="0" to="30" begin="0s" dur="0.4s" fill="freeze"/> <animateTransform attributeName="transform" attributeType="XML" type="rotate" from="30" to="0" begin="0.4s" dur="0.4s" fill="freeze"/> If it possible to loop this s...

Imagick doesn't render svg opacity properly.

First image was properly exported by Inscape, second by following code. I need same output from inkscape and imagick. PHP code: <?php $im = new Imagick(); $im->setResolution(400,400); $im->setBackgroundColor(new ImagickPixel('transparent')); $im->readImageBlob(str_replace(array("color1", "color2"), array("yellow", "blue"), file_ge...

Masking an image with selectable text with SVG - possible?

One neat typographic effect often seen headlines in magazines etc, is to select a really bold font and put an image inside of the text. Here's a random example of the effect: In web design, there is no way to do this with plain html/css/js. It could be done with flash or with a bitmap image but those techniques obviously have some big ...

How to compress a string?

Hi all, I would like to have a reversible compression for a type of string so that i can include it in URLs without keeping track of what it refers to. The string i would like to compress is SVG path string, here is a short primer: Basically, the string contains a character, followed by arbitrary num...

jquery's append not working with svg element?

Assuming this: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("svg").append('<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red"/>'); }); </script> </head> <body> <svg xmlns:svg="" xmlns="http:...

Is it possible to create this chart using SVG Graphics and Javascript? Would be possible to develop the above chart using SVG and Javascript or some other lightweight technology i.e HTML5.0 technologies? What sort of effort would be involved (man days)? Would the SVG version be as fast/smooth as it's flash counterpart? ...

What are SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) supported browsers?

I Need SVG supported browsers list and if SVG have any other issue in the real time. I am planning to use SVG in my project for graphic charts. ...

SVG: how to position bounding box of rotated text

I have to build a SVG image containing some rotated text elements. I want to achieve the following: Each text element shall be rotated around its center point by a degree. The resulting (imaginary) bounding box of the rotated text shall be translated, so that it's upper left is at position x,y. We don't know the content, i.e., the widt...

Is there an easy way to clear an SVG element's contents?

In HTML, it's very convenient to be able to say: div.innerHTML = ""; In order to clear a <div> element. Is there any equivalent if I have an <svg> element instead? There seems to be neither innerHTML nor innerXML or even innerSVG. I know the SVG DOM is a superset of the XML DOM, so I know I can do something like this: while (

SVG Glyphs in Pyqt

How do I render glyphs in pyqt using the svggraphicsItem? ...

SVG rendering in Java using SWT - Batik too slow

I am having performance issues with Batik when I try to render SVG files using SWT. It seems like a very bloated library but the only other one I could find was SVGSalamander and it looks like it's Swing only. Is there a way to render the SVGs without converting them to a bitmap form first that's faster? It needs to be cross platform. ...

Using Raphael.js to draw ui elements

Know of any examples of using raphaeljs extensively to make ui elements for a web app.  Form containers/windows, tabbed controls, etc.  Any suggestions when doing so(like caching the generated svg/rvml for reuse?)? ...

Nginx offers of downoload SVG instead of showing it

I try to show SVG file in HTML or separate tab but Nginx offers me to download it. I took normal SVG file which works on another site but not in my server. Where is a problem? There is an example Also here SVG in HTML ...

iPhone - creating Quartz paths on vector app?

I dream of being able to use Illustrator to create my vectorial objects and export them as quartz paths. Is that possible? It needs to be as Quartz paths because I would like to be able to fill the paths with colors, gradients, etc. How do I do that? Is there a way to export (?) from illustrator or such apps and import paths on Xcode t...