
Adding a SVN repository in Eclipse

I'm trying to add an svn repository to eclipse. I've installed subclipse, and it seems to be working fine. But, when I try to "add a new SVN repository", I input this, for example: I get this: Error validating location: "org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: RA layer request failed ...

How do I ignore files in subversion?

Also, how do I find files which are not under version control? ...

Is there a Linux (Ubuntu) svn client that doesn't suck??

Subversion has a superb client on Windows (Tortoise, of course). Everything I've tried on Linux just - well - sucks in comparison.... ...

Can you specify filenames using wildcards or regexes in the subversion mv command?

I want to do this so that I can say something like, svn mv *.php php-folder/, but it does not seem to be working. Is it even possible? No mention of it is made on the relevant page in the svn book. Example output of svn mv *.php php-folder/ : svn: Client error in parsing arguments Being able to move a whole file system would be a plu...

What is your preferred method for moving directory structures around in Subversion?

I have recently run into an issue where I wanted to add a folder to the directory structure of my project that would become the new 'root' directory for the previously housed files. I've been getting help in a related thread but I wanted to put out a more open ended question to see what a best practice might be. Essentially, my situati...

SVN checkout question

I am about to move to SVN as my RCS of choice (after many years using CVS) and have a basic question... I have a number of shared projects - code that I want to use with lots of different projects. Is it possible to 'link' these shared folders to the projects that need them, so checking out a project will also checkout the shared code?...

How do you overcome the svn 'out of date' error?

I've been attempting move a directory structure from one location to another in Subversion and I've run up against a brick wall which is the Item '*' is out of date commit error. I have the latest version checked out (so far as I can tell), svn st -u turns up no differences other than the mv commands, I have no idea where else to look...

Can I merge two Microsoft Word documents reliably with Subversion?

We have concurrent edits happening on Word documents and I want to make sure that Subversion can handle merging .doc files. Do you know if Subversion handles merges of Word documents well? ...

Why does mvn release:prepare fail while tagging?

With my multiproject pom I get an error while running release:prepare. There is nothing fancy about the project setup and every release-step before runs fine. The error I get is: [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] -------------------------------------...

Clean builds in continuous integration

We use a CruiseControl.Net/NAnt/Subversion stack for CI. Doing a fresh checkout for every build is way too time-consuming, so currently we just do an update on a working copy. However, this leaves the possibility that orphaned files may remain in the working copy, after being deleted in source control. We have tried using the NAnt delete...

How do I use TextMate as my command line subversion message editor?

Simply setting the SVN_EDITOR variable to "mate" does not get the job done. It opens TextMate when appropriate, but then when I save the message and exit, I'm prompted to continue, abort or try again. It seems like the buffer isn't returned to the svn command for use. ...

What's the difference between Subclipse Get Contents and Get Revision?

When using the Eclipse->Team->Show History view, what's the difference between using Subclipse "Get Contents" and "Get Revision" options on a revision of a file? Is there any way to see what svn commands Subclipse is issuing behind the scenes? ...

Moving from VSS to SVN

I need to write a script to make a source safe project ready to be moved to subversion, what do I need to do so far I can think of: remove .scc files remove .vspcc files Do I need to remove the "read-only" attribute of all the files as well, or will that not matter? What language would you write this script in, I was planning to do ...

Why does StatSVN fail, claiming the directory is not a working copy?

I have a working copy of my project, checked out using Subversion 1.5.1. When I attempt to run StatSVN against it, I get the following error: Sep 18, 2008 12:25:22 PM net.sf.statsvn.util.JavaUtilTaskLogger info INFO: StatSVN - SVN statistics generation Sep 18, 2008 12:25:22 PM net.sf.statsvn.util.JavaUtilTaskLogger info INFO...

How to switch back to a previous version of a file without deleting its subsequent revisions?

I have 4 versions of file A.txt in my subversion repository, say: A.txt.r1, A.txt.r2, A.txt.r3 and A.txt.r4. My working copy of the file is r4 and I want to switch back to r2. I don't want to use "svn update -r 2 A.txt" because this will delete all the revisions after r2, namely r3 and r4. So is there any way that I update my working c...

Subversion Error: "Working copy [directory] not locked"

I am trying to merge a directory in subversion, but I get the following error when I do so: svn: Working copy '[directory name]' not locked' I tried deleting the working directory and doing a fresh update, but that did not solve the issue. I also did a cleanup on the directory. Does anyone know how to fix this? In this instance, th...

Best web front-end for SVN?

I'm researching SVN repository browsers, and it's a tiresome task given how many are out there (I started here) The "ideal" system would Run on linux Be easy to use, even for non-developer types Look nice (have a decent skin) Either have built-in access control, or be written in PHP so that I could hack it myself to hook it up to some...

How can I restore svn control if the .svn folder has been damaged?

I've got a couple large checkouts where the .svn folder has become damaged so I'm getting and error, "Cleanup failed to process the following path.." And I can no longer commit or update files in that directory. I'd just delete and do the checkout again but the whole directory is over a gig. Is there a tool that will restore the .svn f...

How do I Upgrade to Subversion 1.5 On CentOS 5?

My development server (CentOS 5) is running Subversion 1.4.2, and I wish to upgrade it to 1.5. I have read in various blogs and documents scattered around the web that this may be done by using RPMForge. I have followed the instructions found on CentOS Wiki, including installing yum-priorities and setting my priorities as indicated (1 ...

What to use for version control with Visual Studio 2008 for inhouse projects?

We want to put a number of our in-house projects under version control. Our projects are C# .NET applications and assemblies. We originally decided to go Microsoft all the way (as is the norm around here), and tried installing Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. To say the least, it was way more trouble of trying to get a successful in...