
Minimum requirements to use Indefero + SVN

Hey everyone, I made sure there wasn't a similar discussion before posting but forgive me if I am mistaken. Question: Can I use Indefero - - with SVN on a linux server if I do not have any sort of web interface installed for Apache? Instead, I want to use Indefero with SVN by just using the svnserve server. Fr...

Is there anything like svnserve for Mercurial?

I'm attracted to Mercurial as a DVCS platform, but would like an easy to use server similar to svnserve. There is HgServe, but that appears to be read-only. If I want to be able to host the server on another machine, it appears I need to set up apache, etc. Is that really the case? Is there an easier method for a local network where ...

svnserve.conf authentication not worked

I can setup Subversion server. I can commit change. The only thing I am not sure is to set up the basic authentication with svnserve. Here is the tutorial I followed: Based on the tutorial, I edited the 2 files: svnserve.conf a...

What's wrong with my using svn this way?

I started svn server this way: [user@vps303 trunkdb]# svnserve -d -r /repositories/ [user@vps303 trunkdb]# ls /repositories/ trunk But when I connect to svn:// it reports no such repository, but when I connect to svn://, it's OK. How can I connect to svn:// ? ...

How to implement svn's post-commit hook to automate the deployment of php web projects?

This is the default stuff in post-commit.tmpl, which I don't think do anything useful: REPOS="$1" REV="$2" commit "$REPOS" "$REV" /path/to/mailer.conf How to make use of this hook to automate the deployment? ...

2 VisualSVNServer instances pointing to same SVN repo?

Would it be possible/safe to run two instances of VisualSVNServer pointing to the same repo? I've searched around and not had any luck finding anything related specifically to this question. The only reason I ask is because we have a need to enable Windows Authentication/Integration over http, and svn authentication over https. It does ...

svnserve and SASL problem

Hi all, I have configured svn server in my system and have made following configuration for authenticating users with SASL MD5. I have made following changes in the svnserve.conf [general] anon-access = none auth-access = write password-db = passwd authz-db = authz realm = my_first_repository [SASL] use-sasl = true min-encryp...

Tortoise SVN cannot connect to svnserve of newly created Subversion instance on SuSe Linux Server

I just started a new position where none of the code is in version control. One of my duties is to fix that. I have some space on a SuSe 10 box, and subversion 1.6 is installed. Following the instructions in the O'Reilly Subversion book, I've got a subversion repository with code in it, and svnserve running: #lsof -i :3690 COMMAND P...

Subversion svn+http access

Hi Currently we access our repo via svn:\, but recently the need to access a restricted set of files via http:// has arisen. We have certain raw html and txt files which we need to display directly from the repo using http://. Our repo is hosted by the svnserve process on a windows server and ALL access is on an INTRANET so there's no ...

Experiences with the various ways of running svnserve on Windows

Is there anyone out there that can share experiences with the various flavours of running svnserve on Windows. I'm using it mainly for a small hobby project that I share with friends, so it will run on my desktop. Using the Collabnet Subversion Edge seems a bit heavy weight. Any drawbacks in just run 'svnserve'? I recently found VisualS...

how to access svn repository in xcode from another machine

I have installed svn in my mac mini and managed to configure it for xcode. I have also configured svnserve from these instructions - Now I need to access the repository from my macbook. I tried configuring the repository in SCM menu in xcode . In url, I have put- svn://