
What are some good ways to create SWFs on the server?

I don't mean converting PDF or PPT to SWF, I mean more like I have data and assets and want to dynamically bust out an SWF. Like what Generator used to do, if you ever worked with that tool. I know there are tools for doing this, but when I did a search all I came up with was the idea of putting MTASC on the server. Not that that's a ...

Control SWFLoader Volume

Hi, I am doing a elearning project in flex and it consist in a secuence of swf files and a player that load it based in a xml file, the problem is all swf files contents narrations and I need to control the volume of narrations from the player interface, anybody know how I can control the volume of a swf file from flex?? Thanks for you...

Decompile .swf file to get images in python

I would like to decompile a .swf file and get all the images from it, in python. Are there any libraries that do this? ...

How to find checkbox value ( checked/unchecked) in iteamreander of data grid ?

i have 3 checkbox for calculating amount purpose . i used Datagrid within datgrid used mx:DataGrid > mx:itemRenderer> mx:Component> mx:CheckBox id=mycheckbox change="calc()"> mx:CheckBox> mx:Component> mx:itemRenderer> public function calc():void { statistic.dataProvider =mycheckbox.selectedItem; } but it's throws...

Make Flash start only when div "appears" with IE / ui-tabs.js

Hi guys, I'm making a website using the jQuery UI Tabs plugin which is great. However, one of my "hidden" tabs contains an .swf. Firefox only plays this .swf when that tab has been "opened" - which again is great. IE however plays this .swf while it is hidden, so when the user clicks on the tab, they see no animation in IE as it has alr...

Embeding Flash - movie and src parameter

Hi In this object element there is a child element called param[@name = 'movie'] <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300" height="324" data="flashlet.swf" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"> <param name="movie" value="flashlet.swf"> <param name="swliveconnect" value="true"> <param name="allowful...

How do I play flash files in pure C?

As part of a customized media player written in C (Win32), I need to enable my app play flash movies (.swf files) inside the player window. Can someone please indicate the most C compatible low level way to achieve this, giving me highest control? Specially control on display window and network access. I am looking for reference to a Wi...

Interact with SWF Loader

Hello community, I embedded a swf file in my application <mx:SWFLoader source="@Embed(source='mod/VideoModule.swf')" width="50" height="50" id="loader" creationComplete="initLoader()" /> now with the help of the flex documentation I wanted to interact with my loaded swf by creating a SystemManager [Bindable] public var loadedSM...

Loading Flash when debugging AIR

I'm trying to create an Adobe AIR widget with a Flash menu. The Flash menu was created in SWiSH Max2, exported as SWF9 with SWF6 properties exposed. The menu works, FSCommand works, and the attached JavaScript work (at least in Firefox). However, when I try to test this in the AIR Debug Launcher (ADL), nothing happens. I've used SWFO...

Flash AS3 - Access external swf on the same domain

Hi, I ran into this problem and could not solve it, so I have a swf file that loads assets from another swf file, everything's fine, until I put them on the server, they are under the same domain, relative path doesnt work nor does absolute path. This is not even a cross domain problem, since both files are on the same server. Did an...

How to send xml flex to php via post method in <mx:httpservice >?

i created xml in flex after that creation i post to php via http service but when i add like xml in http service flex throws error msg like Error #1096: XML parser failure: Unterminated element." What did i worng ? How to send xml data flex to php ? plz refer me <mx:HTTPService id="createxml" method="POST" url="http://####/admin/?do...

Parse multimedia files out of an HTML page (any language)

Given an HTML page I would like to get all the 'x' files that are embedded in the HTML file or are linked by it, where 'x' equals: Images (JPG,PNG,GIF...) Documents (Word, PowerPoint, PDF...) Flash (.flv, .swf) How do I do this? So images are easy to extract because they are either linked to with a link ending in a (.png|.jpg|....)...

(Rails) Need some javascript assistance.

Hi All, I currently have an application that calls creates and displays charts from various objects' data using JS. However, I'm having some severe issues. Can someone please explain why the following code works just fine when statically inserted into a page, but when used via rjs "page.replace_html my_div_id" it removes EVERYTHING EL...

how to read particular xml value using flex?

i used httpservice for read xml get full xml but i want particular xml fled value only like first node id only how can i split xml ? <mx:HTTPService result="getid(event)" id="xml_coupon" url="###" useProxy="false" resultFormat="e4x"/> public function getid((evt:ResultEvent):void { var id:number=evt.result.id; ...

Layers in a swf refuse to load (occasionally, after a cache clear)

Hey guys, I have a swf with four frames. The first frame loads an external class that acts as traffic controller - looks at the root flashvars being passed in and redirects to frame 2, 3, or 4. Frame 2 is a basic login screen. There's 5 layers - 2 background layers, the login screen, and a dummy text field. I also have trace statements...

Why check boxes do not stayed checked as you scroll using flex ?

I've had problems using check boxes in data grids that are populated using dynamic data. The check boxes do not stayed checked as you scroll. How can i solve it ? ...

Creating thumbnails from a swf file in php?

Hi all, I'm looking for a script that will generate jpg thumbnails on the fly (in php) from a swf file. Does anyone know where I can find something like this? ...

Flash SWF not playing!

Hi- I created a custom video skin for my movie, and published the swf. The file plays on my Mac (using Flash player v9) but it will not play on my PC (using Flash player 10). When I uploaded it to the host, neither players will play the swf. The bitmaps in the flash file show up, but the movie won't play. I don't know if it is how I exp...

Opening SWFUpload dialog w/o using a flash button?

SWFUpload has a parameter where you specify the button to be clicked to open a dialog. Is there a simple way to manually open the dialog box without the use of the SWFUpload-provided button? Main thing is I have multiple places on my page where I want an image to be replaced via SWFUpload and I don't really want to instantiate a new SW...

Compiling text resources int SWF and reading them

Hi. What I want to do is to display the buildnumber in a Flex appliation. My build system (Maven) will supply the buildnumber. But how do I compile it into the SWF and display it in the UI? A possible option might be to create a text file and compile it somehow into the swf, then read the resource in the actionscript code and display i...