
SWFUpload not work uploading the file to asp.net

I have put the swfupload to my site but after choosing the files to upload, the page that handle the uploaded files didn't receive the files. I assuming the swfupload isn't uploading the files to the server ... this is my simple code in javascript / var swfu; window.onload = function() { var settings = { ...

SWFUpload able to load the browsing window when clicked but unable to reach the upload page

Hello I have a problem of using swfupload to upload the image to the aspx page. I can open the browsing window to select the file to upload but unable to reach to upload page. This is my javascript code that initializing the swfupload var swfu; window.onload = function() { var settings = { file_size_limit...

Authenticated problem using SWFupload

I finally realised the problem with swfupload... I have a page used to process the uploaded file in swfupload but previous problem I had, I couldn't reach to the page to do the processing. Now I know why, it is because the authentication problem. The server thought the user hasn't been authenticated when the swfupload trying to upload...

Calculate progress bar percentage

I am building a file upload progress bar. Currently I have an upload form which returns the current amount of uploaded data. So, it starts at zero, and returns the current size in bits, but I have converted that to bytes. If I can get the total file size before I upload, and can get the current amount uploaded, and return this dynamic...

Execute Javascript inside a partial view in ASP.NET MVC

I use this JavaScript code inside the head tag in order to populate the divs with a browse button so that users can upload images (swfupload). <head> ... <script type="text/javascript"> var swfu = function() { return new SWFUpload({ // Backend Settings // settings go here... // Too long to...

Image upload with Codeigniter, Redux and SWFUpload. "Not Authenticated" when browser uploads.

I have an image upload form in a secured (with Redux) admin area of my website. When SWFAddress uploads it's not seen as logged in. I created a multiple image upload form with SWFUpload and a back-end script with CodeIgniter. To cut a long painful story short - it all worked fine and dandy with the security turned off for testing purpos...

Destroy SWF DOM in swfupload

I am using swfupload for uploading files and I have this problem: In Internet Explorer, I have to use destroy(). Otherwise it crashes http://demo.swfupload.org/Documentation/#destroy In Firefox, if I use destroy(), it crashes. So the solution is to detect browser type and only destroy in Internet Explorer. Is it how it works? Or did ...

Getting post vars with swf-upload

I am using swf-upload to allow users to upload images quickly. I need them to be able to select which galleries they want them to appear in so I have added extra controls to the form - but they are never passed in GET or POST to the upload.php catcher. I think 'addPostParam' is what I need to set, but am not entirely sure where or how ...

405 Error uploading file

I am using Steve Sanderson's jQuery AJAX SWFUploader. I have got it all working for the most part, except the most important part. When I choose a file, it starts to upload (the progress bar advances) but then it give me a 405 error. Not sure why I get this error but I am using MVC here just like his example. I'm wondering if testing it...

Flash uploaders (Uploadify and SwfUpload) - problems with special characters in filenames

I need to implement a flash-based file-uploader, that will allow me to upload multiple files at once and view progress. I tried Uploadify and SwfUpload and it was quite easy getting them to work. However, for both I run into problems, when the users try to upload files, that have filenames with special characters (such as Danish æøå or...

SWFUpload on HTTPS not working

I have trouble uploading files with SWFUpload when target servlet is listening on HTTPS. On HTTP it works fine. The issue is only when using FireFox or Opera. On IE it works fine - not tried other browsers. EDIT: Error message as provided from SWFUpload when in debug mode: *SWF DEBUG: Event: uploadProgress (OPEN): File ID: SWFUpload_...

How to handle HTTPStatus Response 201 with AS3 / Flash / SWFUpload

Hey all. I'm using SWFUpload on a Rails site to allow for MP3 Uploads direct to Sound Cloud. To avoid having to first upload a large file to my server and push to Sound Cloud, I'm hitting their API directly via SWFUpload, passing necessary OAuth token data. Everything works - EXCEPT - Flash can't handle the HTTP response code that Sou...

PHP Sessions and Javascript Callbacks

I am using swf-upload to handle file uploads on a site I am working on. The problem is the catching function, called swf-upload.php. If I visit the URL it is at directly it works fine, it correctly reads starts the session and gets the user rights, but when the web page calls it with the ajax callback it claims the session is empty. I...

Cannot Find Placeholder Element in SWFUpload

Hello everyone, I am trying to implement an SWFUpload on a form I have. However, it is not identifying the placeholder. My code is below, can someone help? I'm using jQuery if that helps. Header: <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}/js/SWFUpload-2.5.0/swfupload/swfupload.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=...

click doesn't fire when WMODE=TRANSPARENT in SWFUpload button

I have a Flash-based SWFUpload upload button in a HTML page. I am trying to style that button. SWFUpload provides a Javascript setup interface to the Flash button's settings. I don't have Flash myself, so I have to work with the pre-compiled SWF file. ..... button_width: "100", button_height: "20", button_placeholder_id: "...

Every flash uploader giving bad progress values.

The file upload script I wrote early last year for an internal website has been misbehaving oddly on a number of machines. On some machines it consistently works fine, on others it consistently misbehaves. I am having exactly the same problem with YUI Uploader, SWFUpload (2.2 and 2.5a), and Uploadify. On the misbehaving machines, the pr...

SWFUpload: how do I implement an upload handler in ASP.NET?

i'm a novice-to-intermediate .NET developer and I don't quite understand how an upload handler for SWFUpload is supposed to work. Am I supposed to read it from the http stream? I haven't been able to find any examples or explanation of this in the documentation nor from extensive googling. Thanks in advance ...

SWFUpload Authentication

I am using SWFUpload to do file uploading in a ASP.NET MVC 1.0 website. It is working fine, but I am not able to authenticate the upload method. The HttpContext.User.Identity.Name returns an empty string. I am assuming this is because the Flash movie is making the post. I am also using the wrapper provided here: http://blog.codeville.net...

Does flash always post a "Filename" parameter when doing a file upload?

I have tried two flash upload components, swfupload and uploadify, and both seem to generate POSTs with a "Filename" parameter. My problem is that the service I'm posting to has a strictly specified set of allowed parameters and Filename is not one of them. So, is it at all possible to remove this parameter from the post? ...

SWFUpload prematurely closing the connection on upload (nginx 499)

I'm using swfupload to upload files to nginx. It works fine for me & 99% of our users. For a couple of users, however, it fails somehow during upload. It opens a connection, but seems to close it before it's complete - nginx reports a 499 status in its access log, which is NGX_HTTP_CLIENT_CLOSED_REQUEST. I managed to get hold of one o...