
Java does javax.swing.Timer run on new thread?

I am using javax.swing.Timer to schedule and run events. But it seems to be freezing the GUI. Just wanted to know whether these events are run on a seperate thread or whether I have to do it myself. Thanks ...

Java: Multiple JScrollPanes show view on 1 common component

Hi, how (if at all) can I make multiple JScrollPanes have different views on 1 common component (a JTable in this case). Every time I set the viewport of a scrollpane, the previous scrollpane's view disappears... Cheers, Max ...

JTable add/remove rows to custom table model (updating table display)

Does anyone have a good example of how to Add/Remove rows from a JTable using a custom table model? The issue I seem to be having is how to have the table keep updating when I add or remove items. The real simple idea here is to have an add and remove button above my table which allows the user on the fly to change the table. ...

Spy++ for Java Swing applications

Is there an equivalent for Spy++ for java swing applications? I work with a third party application that contains a huge number of screens that get invoked via a reflection based mechanism. Whenever an issue occurs the only way to locate the problem code is to search through the source (we have access to the source but cannot fix and d...

Model Dialog - Swing. Blocking input to only certain parts of the UI

Scenario: I have a screen, top part of the screen is some text fields, bottom part of the window is a list. Under certain circumstance I want to raise a modal (yes/no) dialog which will prevent the user from interacting with the top part of the window - ie: the text fields, but will still allow the user to interact with the list at the ...

Touch screen supported API for desktop development in Java Swing?

Hi all I'm developing a system that will eventually be implemented on a touch-screen supported machines such as HP Touchsmart. Are there any relevant references in java swing api that support flicking pages to scroll up/down (such as in iphone/android phone)? Any general references to any swing api that support touch/multi-touch are a...

Java: What's the difference between ActionEvent and ItemEvent on a JRadioButton?

They're both raised once after the mouse button is released and both can have all the information available on the JRadioButton right? Is there any difference? ...

handling data in jFormattedTextField

Hi all, I have jFormatted field with name "jFormattedTextField3" in First.java file. the value in this field must display in jFormattedTextFieldNoOfWorkers in Second.java file. how can i handle the data and display in jFormattedTextFieldNoOfWorkers? ...

how to use Windows NT logon credentials in java swing application for user Authentication?

how to use Windows NT logon credentials in java swing application for user Authentication? ...

Is there a mass registration pattern for adding a listener to multiple JComponents?

I have a java applet that is used as a drawing tool. Across the top of the applet I have several buttons and other widgets that allow the user to draw/modify/erase various features on the "canvas". I have a requirement of adding some key binds that act as short cuts as well as providing some other features. I have a key listener def...

swing: is there a way to make a button/checkbox clickable only if SHIFT or CTRL is pressed?

Is there a way to detect whether Ctrl or Shift has been pressed during a click event on a button or checkbox? I want to make a checkbox that you have to hold down a modifier key in order to change the state (with appropriate visual labeling) so that it's more difficult to accidentally click it. ...

swing: is there a way to change the color of a checkbox/radiobutton?

I would like to add some visual emphasis to a particular checkbox or radiobutton, and it seems like the simplest would be to change the color to green or red. Is there a way to do this? I know it's possible to define the bitmaps for these elements from scratch, but I would like them to look identical to the base look/feel, except for c...

Java 1.5 Swing: what is the correct way to perform long-running operation outside the EDT?

In a desktop Java 1.5 application (it has to run on a lot of MacOS X machines that will nerver see a 1.6 VM due to Apple politics) what is a correct way to perform a lengthy computation outside the EDT? Say, for example, when the user clicks on a button that starts an operation: I get the notification on the EDT and I want to run some m...

Java/Swing+NetBeans 6.1. Keyboard event is not working.

I need to move a Label-control on the form. I have created a "Java Desktop Application" in NetBeans 6.1. I have added the following code: But the label is not moving. Why? /* * DesktopApplication1View.java */ package desktopapplication1; import org.jdesktop.application.Action; import org.jdesktop.application.ResourceMap; import ...

Right to left (backwards) JProgressBar

My app needs to display a graphical representation of a value ranging from -1 to 1. Negative values should be in one color, with positive values in another. Zero is in the center and shows nothing. (If it helps, the particular use here is to display the relative weight of buy and sell orders in a financial application.) I would ideally ...

Maximizing a JFrame on action?

Hey all, Does anyone know how to maximize a JFrame once a specfic action has occured? I'll post my code below, I'm a fiend for not commenting my code (I'll do it at some point) but it should be fairly self explanitory. What I was trying to do was to get the frame to maximize once the option was selected from the menu. If anyone can tell...

Java Swing - ImageIcon in Jtable within a JScrollPane

I have a JTable inside a JScrollPane. In one of the columns in the JTable, I have ImageIcons being displayed. Everything works fine, however, I have that in windows XP, when you scroll the rendering messes up and images become distorted. This only happens when you scroll. Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/NKqYT.png Any help much apprecia...

Java javax.swing.Timer - freezing my GUI. Solution?

I have a task running using javax.swing.Timer. It executes once every few minutes. The task takes a second or two, and it is freezing my GUI. What can I do to fix this? ...

Java/Swing: Trying to get BorderLayout to play nice with GridBagLayout.

I'd like to have a window that has 3 menus, one tied to the left, another tied to the center and the last one tied to the right. Like this: -------------------------------------------- -toolbar1---------toolbar2---------toolbar3- -------------------------------------------- - - - rest of the win...

How to make installer pack of Java swing Application Project?

I've created a java project using swing application with JMF. I've tried to convert it into package but it failed. The jar can be created but it won't work in other computer (Windows). Can someone know the answer? Please tell me. I need to package the project as installer and it would work in other system. Guide me for this. ...