
Limit number of characters in JTextField

I try to limit the number of allowable characters to 5 by using try { jFormattedTextField2.setFormatterFactory(new javax.swing.text.DefaultFormatterFactory(new javax.swing.text.MaskFormatter("*****"))); } catch (java.text.ParseException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } However, when I only enter 1 character, t...

Swing Timer, how to pause and resume it?

Hello guys, i have a timer that counts the spent time and other calculations, but i need when i click on pause button the timer to pause, and then resume. How do i pause it? ...

Scrollpane for JPanel?

I want to add Scrollpane to JPanel which is in turn called by another jpanel? public class test { JFrame jframe; JPanel jpanel; JScrollPane js= null; public void createFrame() { jframe=new JFrame("Thick client Wallboard"); Dimension dim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); jframe.s...

Label with radio button issue

I am having some issues with my code, I cant see whats wrong with the logic, but here it is. I want them to have the radio button to choose either or, and when one is selected(radio button) the text area isn't available and vise versa. Here is the segment of the code. When I go back and forth on the radio buttons, both become not selecta...

TableModelListener and multiple column validation

Hello: This is the first time for me to post here, so sorry if I made some mistake. I am working on a JTable which column data have to verify some parameters, for example: Column 3 values > 30 Column 4 values > 10 Column 5 values > 4 Also the first 2 columns are filled "automatically", putting 0s in the rest of the columns. If tha...

How to share array(list)/variables between tabbed pane in Java swing?

Hi, I been trying to do "the question title". Here is my current code: Main.java import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame f= new JFrame ("My Frame"); f.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame .EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JTabbedPane tp = new JTabbedPane(); User user = new User(); tp...

Should we use EventQueue.invokeLater for any GUI update in java desktop application?

I know that by using this method, the runnable parameter is submitted to the system EventQueue. But should all GUI updates be done this using this method? I mean, if i want to say, change a text of JButton, should i use something like this: java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { jButton1.setT...

My app throws 'java.io.IOException: could not create AudioData object'?

HI I am trying to play an audio file in my Java application: here is the code: public static void music() { AudioPlayer MGP = AudioPlayer.player; AudioStream BGM; AudioData MD; ContinuousAudioDataStream loop = null; try { BGM = new AudioStream(new FileInputStream("\\BattleShip\\battle.w...

What are the things you have to do to make a panel work with a null layout manager?

I was having problems getting a null layout manager working, and I found this great page with things to remember when using a null layout manager. One of them was my issue, and I quickly moved on. I'm now having similar problems with another panel using a null layout manager. However, I cannot find this page anywhere! So what are the...

Event handling in modal windows (Java swing)

I'm developing the Java Swing application. I'm quite new to Java, so got some questions. I have a modal window with some set of controls (text fields, buttons etc). I want to handle click on the button in the parent window. I think the most efficient and accurate way is first to handle it in modal window, then raise some another event ...

Drag And Drop from Java Swing Application to Windows Explorer

Hi, I have question about Drag And Drop in Java. I was able to to implement drag and drop files from Windows Explorer to Swing application. Now I need to oposite direction. I have JTable which contains Column with object type File. I just need to detect which file (files) are dragged and where in Windows Explorer. Thanks in advance. ...

Using static factory classes to generate GUI components - How and where to add the required listeners?

I would like to use factory classes and methods to generate GUI components, but I don't know how and in which class the various listeners should be declared and added to the components. If I have a simple factory class such as that listed below should I add an ActionListener to the button before it is returned to the calling class. If t...

InputVerifier and multiple fields

Hello, I am working on a form that provides "real-time" validation to the user and I have one problem. The goal is to put a label near the field (in this case a JSpinner), to show the user if the data is accepted or denied, in the same way that javascript-based validators do. The problem is that for archieving this, I need to set the ...

Smart Vertical flow layout

I'm looking for the following behaviour in a JPanel Layout (Swing): basically it would arrange the components in a Vertical way, one bellow each other. When the components can't fit vertically in the container, it should add the next one in a new row. This would continue dinamically, adding new rows as needed. It would look likes this, ...

How can i find the tag at which my cursor points in JEditorPane.

I want to know whether we can find a tag in JEditorPane in java swing where my cursor is pointing.. For ex. following is the text content in my editor pane.. <html> <head> <body> <div><!--Cursor inside the div tag--></div> </body> </html> for instance suppose this is the text inside my editor pane. and my cursor is inside the tag. no...

How to "Open" and "Save" using java

I want to make "Open"(pic 1) and "Save" (pic 2) anyone know how to do that in java? Thx b4 Pic 1 Pic 2 ...

Java JTabbedPane, update others tab JLabel value?

I have 2 JTabbedPane. I am unable to refresh the data. PLease help, here is my code: pane1: //.. some codes... // This is the ButtonListener private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) { userInput = tf.getText(); // tf is JTextField //System.out.println("t...

How do I set the JTable column and row color?

How do I set the JTable column and row color? ...

Battleship Application crashes if I run it through the main menu after slicking on start

I am creating a battleship game with 4 classes using sockets. A computer, player message and a menu class. To start the game I run the computer class which is the server then I run the menu class which bring up the menu. Through the menu I click start to create a new player object which looks like this public static void runPlayer() { ...

SwingUtilities.invokeLater() why is it neded?

Why is it needed to put GUI update code in SwingUtilities.invokeLater()? Why it cant be internally taken care by Swing itself? Why do caller has to care about how swing handles UI updates? ...