
Example code for embedding SVG canvas in SWT project?

Is there a good example of how to include an SVG canvas into a Java SWT project (particularly Holongate, though I would be interested in any other options)? Additionally, I would need to support this SVG canvas on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux clients, in case an implementation relies on native libraries. Thanks for any pointers. ...

introduction to swt with out drag and drop designer?

I'm interested in writing a small Java application using SWT. I'm a blind individual though so can't use the tipical drag and drop controls in an IDE approach. Pointers to an introduction of SWT with examples in creating interfaces through code would be appreciated. ...

SWT layout problem - padding for labels possible ?

I am using GridLayout in my SWT GUI app. I have the following GridData defined for each grid cell. The grid cell itself is just a label. GridData gridData = new GridData(); gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL; gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true; gridData.grabExcessVerticalSpace = true; gridData.height...

SWT Canvas Location

I'm using the most recent stable version of SWT. I have a Shell containing a ToolBar, a ScrolledComposite, and a Canvas. The Canvas is set as the ScrolledComposite's content (e.g. scrolledComposite.setContent(canvas)). The Canvas is created with a specific size that never changes (say, 400 x 400). Whereas the ScrolledComposite is con...

What's the max. memory available for applications? (getting no more handles error).

In an Eclipse RCP application I am trying to open many editors. It is a basically a tree with lot of nodes each of which opens an editor. When I open in access of 150 to 200 editors and try to open an editor for next treenode it doesn't open. Eclipse console shows "org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles". However if I close a few of a...

Java library\application to Build SQL Frontend GUI's

Does anyone know of a java library or application that allows for SQL front end manipulation via java GUI's e.g. Swing or SWT? I am looking for something similar to ASP .Net Datagrid, where you essentially 'plugin' the queries, set a few things up and voila! I've used Spring JDBC quite a bit and have been playing with the JDBC templa...

Large fields on ScrolledComposite results in too much scrolling

I have a ScrolledComposite which is a bit like an spreadsheet. It works mostly without problems, but I sometimes have a large field that fills almost an entire row (the rightmost part). When focus is on this field, and setShowFocusedControl(true) has been called, swt insists on showing the rightmost part of the field, which has the sam...

Java/SWT: How to receive mouse events from an embedded window

I am embedding a windows application into my SWT application using 'reparenting'. That part works ok. I would now like to hook my SWT app into the message queue for the embedded app to receive mouse move events. I see that the OS class in SWT has a number of interesting methods for adding hooks but I have not been able to figure out how...

How Do You change A ScrolledComposite's Horizontal Scroll Increment?

I have an application that displays a ScrolledComposite. Users are complaining that the horizontal scrolling increment is too fine, i.e. each click on the horizontal scroll arrow currently moves the bar one pixel at a time. They want individual clicks to cause greater horizontal movement. Could someone explain how I could implement th...

SWT Reduce Flicker for Tab Controls

When I switch tabs in SWT, the content in the tabs flicker. This doesn't happen in my Swing version and is bugging me and my customers. What can I do to reduce this flicker? ...

How to smoothly scroll SWT composite?

I'm using a SWT ScrolledComposite but when I scroll in Windows I get some tearing / flickering if I scroll to fast. What can I do to double buffer or reduce this effect, or what can I do to override the default scrolling functionality and make it scroll more smoothly? There's text boxes in the scrolling area so I don't think a canvas wou...

SWT to BMML representation

I was trying to convert a dialog built in SWT into BMML. Can any one help in how can I achieve it ...

Finding Display of an RCP App

I'm writing a testing Framework which is starting a GUI Application. To be able to test this GUI in the case of an SWT application I need to know it's display. In general, this display is loaded by another classloader, therefore I'm using the method findDisplay(Thread t) of the swt Display class by reflection to accomplish this task. My ...

SWT AuthenticationListener Eclipse

Has anyone ever actually used the AuthenticationListener class in SWT? I downloaded the zip file named "eclipse-jee-galileo-M7-win32.zip" and according to the eclipse site this listener is available as of M6. When I open my project in the IDE this class is not there, nor is any other Authentication class (i.e addAuthenticationListener, A...

SWT Drag and Drop support for Text widget

I've written an application recently using SWT. In one of its dialog box, I have a few widgets, one of which is Text, which is designed to support DND with other widgets. I've first added DND support for the 2 Tree widgets on the same dialog box (both drag source and drop target). Before I added DND support for that Text widget, I notice...

Birt Chart Engine Documentation.

Hi all ! I am looking for a complete, precise and accurate documentation about Birt Chart Engine but I cant find anything, all documentations I have encountered are more Birt Designer related or inaccurate or even inexistante. I hope someone can help me... (I precise that I particularly look for a documentation about chart interactivit...

Odd behavior - SWT Browser on Mac OS X

This is a strange behavior, and hard to explain without a picture, so I will try my best. My application has an embedded SWT browser widget, and the application is cross platform. It works perfect on Windows, but need to support Mac OS X 10.4 and above. The browser widget is within a composite on the right side, and a file tree within a...

Eclipse RCP Image Application: How Do I Lay Out My Images?

Hi, I have an Eclipse plugin that displays a view. What I want to do is display n images in the view in a single row with a centered label under each image. I want to view to be scrollable. I also want each image to be re-sized when the dimensions of the view (ScrolledComposite? Composite?) change so it utilizes the available vertica...

Get the parent of an IStructuredSelection (eclipse-rcp)?

I have a TreeViewer in a view and need to get the parent (if it exists) of an item selected. Nothing seems to work and google yields no answers.. mBacktestTree.addDoubleClickListener(new IDoubleClickListener() { public void doubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) { IWorkbenchPage page = getSite().getPage(); TreeViewe...

Java_swt in eclipse

Can someone tell me where I can find the executeable "java_swt"? I see multiple sites that say it is embedded in eclipse, and other sites say it is shipped with Mac swt drops. I have the zip file for a mac called "swt-3.5M6-carbon-macosx.zip" and i have the eclipse IDE installed on my test mac machine and windows machine. But i cannot f...