
setting up routing for the first time

I'm trying to set up url routing on my server for the first time. I'm fairly sure that mod_rewrite is enabled. Are there any other configurations I need to change or things to set up? Should the routing.yml file just automatically get read? ...

Customising Symfony Admin Generator Form

Hi, I've generated the backend of my application, and am now just 'jazzing' the forms up (adding correct labels, validation rules etc). One thing I'd like to do is add a map (Google) which updates the marker as an address is entered into the form, then allows the user to drag it to correct the lat/lng should it be a little off. My que...

Can I setup a specific login action for each module?

Hi, I'm working on a symfony 1.4 project which contains a frontend and a backend. I want to know if it's possible to configure a different login action for each module. I've tried to add a settings.yml file in the config folder of each module but it doesn't work. Thanks, ...

Is there a Symfony callback at the termination of a session?

I have an application that is authenticating against an external server in a filter. In that filter, I'm trying to set a couple of session attributes on the user by using Symfony's setAttribute() method: $this->getContext()->getUser()->setAttribute( 'myAttribute', 'myValue' ); What I'm finding is that, if I dump $_SESSION immediately ...

Why is SwiftMailer throwing "Internal Server Error"?

I am using Symfony + SwiftMailer and getting the following error from SwiftMailer: 500 | Internal Server Error | Swift_TransportException Expected response code 220 but got code "", with message "" and can't figure out why. I am using hMailServer on my local machine, and have setup my factories.yml file (as I'm using Symfony) as follo...

Question about a dialog form and submit errors

Hi, I have the link below that executes the action message/new which shows a form inside a jqueryui modal dialog. <div id="myDialog"> </div> echo jq_link_to_remote('Enviar mensaje', array( 'url' => 'mensaje/new?receptor='.$miembro->getId().'&tipo=0&estado=0', 'update' => 'myDialog', 'complete...

When do Symfony's user attributes get written to session?

I have a Symfony app that populates the "widgets" of a portal application and I'm noticing something (that seems) odd. The portal app has iframes that make calls to the Symfony app. On each of those calls, a random user key is passed on the query string. The Symfony app stores that key its session using myUser->setAttribute(). If the inc...

Can YAML have inheritance?

This question involves a lot of symfony but it should be easy enough for someone to follow who only knows YAML and not symfony. My symfony models come from a three-step process: First, I create the tables in MySQL. Second, I run a symfony command (symfony doctrine:build-schema) to convert my table structure into a YAML file. Third, I ru...

Sharing user session variables between Magento and Symfony

Hi, One part of our website will be built using Symfony the other Magento. I would like to know if it is possible to share user session variables between two of them. Thank you! ...

Why does this symfony code not work?

I am trying to pass parameters from one action (foo) to another (foobar). In action foo, I set the arguments thus: $request->getParameterHolder()->set('arg1', 'alice'); $request->getParameterHolder()->set('arg2', 'bob'); In action foobar, I try to retrieve the params thus: $arg1 = $request->getParameter('arg1'); $arg2 = $request->ge...

Action "foo/foobar" does not exist error in Symfony

I am saving pictures under my web folder in the folder: web/media/photo In the template that displays the photo, I have the following snippet: <?php echo link_to(image_tag('media/photo/filename.jpg', '@some_url); ?> When I display the view, although the photo is displayed correctly and the link works, I get the following error in my...

how to give 2 parameters to remote_function thanks to 'with' ???

Hi, I try to give a lot of parameters in a remote_function like this : <?php echo remote_function(array( 'update' => 'test', 'url' => 'conges/verifdate', 'with' => "'date_deb=' + $('date_debut').value" )); ?> This code works, in my action.class I can to get th...

symfony 1.4: doctrine build model warning

Hi volks, I copied my sources from my lokal dev (everything works fine) to my repository and from there I did a checkout on my remote dev. Now when I try to build everything I get this error: devel:/var/www/myproject# ./symfony doc:build-model doctrine generating model classes file+ /tmp/doctrine_schem...

symfony validators not working as desired

Hi, i am a newbie to symfony. am follwoing an example from the 'symfony forms in action' where a form is created the some validation methods are introduced. my problem is that when i enter invalid data into the forms and click submit, the form clears all the fields and brings up the error message *required. what might be the problem. he...

Symfony Batch Action

Hi there! I'm trying to create a batch action (symfony admin) that enables the creation/download on the fly of zip file containing users photos which are avaialable on the uploads/images directory. Here is the code that I already implemented: public function executeBatchDownloadFotos(sfWebRequest $request) { $zip = new Zip...

How to format a join table form to display multiple checkboxes for values from one of the linked tables in Symfony?

Apologies if this is something really simple that I've missed. I have 3 tables and related forms in symfony 1.4 (using Doctrine) for a website for local tradesmen: Profile columns: name: { type: string(255), notnull: true} email: { type: string(255), notnull: true, unique: true } phonenumber: { type: string(255), notnull:...

Symfony route parameter requirement restriction

How do I enforce a requirement that a paramater in a route be a string? Given the route my_foobar_route: url: /example/routing/:s1/:id requirements: { id: \d+ } Can anyone remind me of how to force param s1 to be a string? ...

Organisation of applications in Symfony

I'm looking to use Symfony as the framework for a gallery website - but I was wondering about how to organise the applications. The example Symfony documentation takes a simple approach with a Frontend/Backend split - but this seems a bit limited. For a gallery site, there are quite a few components which can interact to varying degree...

Perform some cleanup when deleting a record in Symfony/Doctrine

Using Symfony 1.4.5 with Doctrine I have a model which includes an uploaded image as one of the columns - creating and updating the record is fine (using the doSave() method to deal with the upload and any changes to the file). The problem I'm having is if the record is deleted - I want it to remove the associated file as well. But I c...

symfony routing question?

Hi all, I think this is a routing question. For SEO reasons, I need urls like the following: ... and also: (Note the "s" on pumps). There are abo...