
Can I symlink multiple directories into one?

I have a feeling that I already know the answer to this one, but I thought I'd check. I have a number of different folders: images_a/ images_b/ images_c/ Can I create some sort of symlink such that this new directory has the contents of all those directories? That is this new "images_all" would contain all the files in images_a, imag...

Windows XP vs Vista: NTFS Junction points

Problem: I relied heavily on NTFS Junction points in Windows XP, even though they apparently were not an "official" feature of the operating system. Now MSFT has generously made NTFS Junction points an official part of Vista, but apparently they also intentionally broke them. Now my WinXP-created junction points on portable USB drive don...

After adding a symbolic link in a svn repository I keep receiving an error inside of that directory

I created a symbolic link from /www/dir2/ to /home/dir2/ I then added it to the repository ( svn add /www/dir2/ ) Now if I go into that directory, and try to do anything with svn in there I receive a "svn: warning: '.' is not a working copy" error. If I try to add a subdirectory (svn add /www/dir2/dir5 ) I receive the error: svn: 'dir2' ...

Resolve symbolic links when copying bundle resources in Xcode

Hello! I have a project in Xcode and some resources for the project. The resources contain several symbolic links. When Xcode builds the project, it copies the resources, but does not resolve the symbolic links. Is there a way to tell Xcode to resolve the links? (Ie. have the link targets copied instead of the links themselves.) Update:...

Server side symbolic link resolution possible?

Title is hopefully pretty self explanatory but I've written up an example anyway: I have a folder C:\SharedFolder\ReallyBigFolderThatWontFitAnyMore I need to move folder to other server but can't touch the clients, so I move the folder to another server and create create a symbolic link. C:\SharedFolder\> mklink /d ReallyBigFolderT...

Can I use symbolic links for cvs root to simplify server consolidation?

Hi, We're consolidating two old cvs servers onto one new box. I had hoped the following: changing the dns entries for oldserver1 and oldserver2 (as well as some user account maintenance) would make the move transparent to cvs users. Problem: I'm having problems due to the different cvs roots on each old server. Background The old ser...

Capistrano symlinking problem?

I've this capistrano command. task :symlink_shared do run "rm -rf #{current_path}/config/database.yml" run "ln -nfs #{shared_path}/config/database.yml #{release_path}/config/database.yml" run "rm -rf #{current_path}/config/app_config.yml" run "ln -nfs #{shared_path}/config/app_config.yml #{release_pa...

How can I follow and fully report on a chain of symlinks?

What are the best tools/programming-techniques for following a complicated nesting of symlinks and completely capturing and reporting on every symlink along the way, including those in the middle of a path (See below for more info). Here's a specific example. Consider the following output from a shell command ls -l /Library/Java/Home...

Is using 'gf' in vim with symbolic links possible?

Is it possible to configure vim to follow symlinks via gf? For example, suppose I have a file foo.txt and a symlink bar in the same directory. I'd like to be able to edit the file bar points to by gf'ing over the word 'bar' in foo.txt. More generally, I'd like to be able to use find and other path-using commands as though the actual fi...

Why doesn't File::Find handle my dangling symlink?

I'm using Perl's File::Find module to scan for files, directories, and links. Among other things, I want the utility I'm writing to report dangling links. In theory, this is supported by creating a subroutine to be called whenever an dangling link has been found, and calling the find method with a hash reference of appropriate values, ...

copy the symbolic link in Solaris

I am trying to copy a link on Solaris OS but find that it does not simply copy the link instead copies the whole contents of the directory/file the link is poinitng to? Which is not in other OSes like AIX,HP-UX,Linux. Is this a normal behaviour of Solaris OS? ...

if file is a link on LINUX OS

I am trying to check if a symbolic link exists from korn shell script using "-h filename" command.This works good on HP boxes. Not sure what is the correct option for Linux,AIX and Solaris boxes. ...

Getting the logical path in VIM when there's a symlink

I have the following setup: mkdir /1 mkdir /1/2 mkdir /1/2/3 ln -s /1/2/3 /1/3 If I do cd /1/3, and then pwd, I get /1/3. If I use pwd -P, I can get /1/2/3, or pwd -L to force /1/3. In VIM, I'm looking for a way to get the /1/3. If I open a file in /1/3/foo.txt, and I use something like fnamemodify(bufname(winbufnr(0)), ':p:h'), it ...

How do I move/copy a symlink to a different folder as a symlink under Solaris?

It is an odd behaviour seen only on Solaris that when I try to copy a symbolic link with the "cp -R -P" command to some other folder with a different name, it copies the entire directory/file it's pointing to. For example: link -> dir cp -R -P link folder/new_link ...

Apache2 with mod_perl, it doesn't follow symlinks; How can I fix this?

mod_perl/apache doesn't seem able to follow symlinks. In httpd.conf I have: Options FollowSymLinks <VirtualHost *> ServerName ServerAlias ServerAdmin [email protected] DocumentRoot /var/www/htdocs/abc/def PerlSwitches -I/var/www/cgi-bin PerlSendHe...

Get the path of link that it points to?

Is it possible to get the abolute path of the link that it is pointing to? Is there any simple system command? I need for all of the following OS HP-UX 11i, 1123u, 1123i AIX 5.2 and 5.3 Suse Linux 10 Solaris 10 ...

How can you make a recursive symlink for folders/files in Ubuntu?

My folder Structure /UNIX /Find /Grep /Find-Grep I made a symlink to the UNIX folders unsuccessfully by ln -s /I/Unix path/Dropbox/myFriend I removed a .todo -file at /Dropbox/myFriend/Unix/Find/.todo. I noticed that that my .todo file at /I/Unix/Find was also removed. How can you make a symlink such that my friend can...

Links pointing to absolute path

Is it a good practice that links should always point to absolute path rather than pointing from current directory? I am talking this with reference - where i need to maintain software and all its previous versions should always point to latest version. ...

Symbolic links in Windows

I am using a huge data-base of images. This database gets duplicated every time I create a new test using the image data-base. So in Linux, I use Link file to a common database set. Now, I am in Windows, Is there any way we can use the Linux link to files or some equivalent in Windows. Or using some relative file path is the only way ou...

fsutil hardlink doesn't work?

I was looking for a way to create hard links under Windows and I found this page: To try it out, I created a file (1.txt) on the root of my C: drive with 100 lines of the following content: C:\1.txt (2.598 bytes): test test test test test Then I open the command prompt and typ...