
Mako thinks my template has a 'pass' after an if statement, even though the traceback shows there isn't one

I have Mako taking a template from a preprocessor, and now thinks there is a 'pass' after my if statement. Here is the complete traceback Error ! SyntaxException: (SyntaxError) invalid syntax (, line 1) (u"if ${session['anonymous']}:pass") in file '/.../site/templates/shpaml/views/index.html' at line: 3 char: 1 1 <p>your anonymous stat...

operator expected error- prolog

Hi, I'm trying to write a prediate that returns every third letter of a list. This is my code so far: third([],X):-X=[]. third([_],X):-X=[]. third([_,_],X):-X=[]. third([_,_,C|T],X):- third[T,Z], X=[C|Z]. I get the "operator expected" error on the last line. Does anyone know why? ...

Can't find my syntax error, VC++ says there's one

I'm running into a bit of a problem here, I'm messing around with machine code and function pointers, and there's a bit of my code that VC++ simply refuses to compile. This compiles and runs exactly as expected: #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> int main() { char tarr[] = {0xb8, 222, 0, 0, 0, 0xc3}; int (*testfn)() = tar...

Genshi TemplateSyntaxError on python block where it should work

<?python class += 1 ?> One really simple line of code which definitely should work, but still it gives me this error: TemplateSyntaxError: invalid syntax (file.html, line 22) I shorted the filepath for readability, but that's the exact error. I'm definitely sure it should work, as I've used <?python i += 1 ?> In another file,...

Tracking down strange error

I'm trying to do some C++ exercises, but I'm running into a error on build, which doesn't just jump out at me. What am I missing? I'm just getting back to C++ from C# et al after having done it years ago. [ERROR] syntax error : 'return' [/ERROR] #include <iostream> using namespace std; /* Pre-compiler directives / macro...

In Ruby, how do I check if method "foo=()" is defined?

In Ruby, I can define a method foo=(bar): irb(main):001:0> def foo=(bar) irb(main):002:1> p "foo=#{bar}" irb(main):003:1> end => nil Now I'd like to check if it has been defined, irb(main):004:0> defined?(foo=) SyntaxError: compile error (irb):4: syntax error, unexpected ')' from (irb):4 from :0 What is the proper syntax to use...

Syntax error with mySQL query function to convert decimal grade to a letter grade

I'm having troubles with a syntax error when trying to create a function in MySQL to convert a decimal grade into a letter grade. What could be the issue? ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your mySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'conv(gpa DOUBLE) RETUR...

invalid argument IE7 javascript line number changes

This is the test page: OBOEKindBag (spaces between the page name and domain because I don't want the URL indexed as such) If you click on one of the thumbnails, or on the main image, you see a popup window, and if you enter a quantity and then click "add to cart" here, in IE7 (at least on Vista, and als...

javascript - catch SyntaxError and run alternate function

Hello there, I'm trying to build something on javascript that I can have an input that can be everything like string, xml, javascript and (non-javascript string without quotes) as follows: //strings eval("'hello I am a string'"); /* note the following proper quote marks */ //xml eval(<p>Hello I am a XML doc</p>); //javascri...

syntax problem crating a method that returns an object (java)

I'm trying to create a method that will sum two timeO objects and return a new TimeO object called sum. Here is the relevant code snippet: public static TimeO add (TimeO t1, TimeO t2) { TimeO sum = new TimeO ; ... } When i try to compile it i get this error message: '(' or '[' expected ...

Why does the program give "illegal start of type" error ?

here is the relevent code snippet: public static Rand searchCount (int[] x) { int a ; int b ; int c ; int d ; int f ; int g ; int h ; int i ; int j ; Rand countA = new Rand () ; for (int l= 0; l<x.length; l++) { if (x[l] = 0) a++ ; els...

Error when specifying tag attributes in NHaml

I am just getting started with NHaml and ran into a snag. This is my application.haml file: %html %head %title = Get Some Data %link{ href="/media/css/styles.css", rel="Stylesheet", type="text/css" } %body %h1 = Get Some Data _ When I try to view in a browser it throw the following error: NHa...

Incorrect syntax near ','.

I get the following error from the SQL Script I am trying to run: Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 10 Incorrect syntax near ','. This is the SQL script: IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].HDDB_DataSource]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable'...

Why do I get this error when trying to set up a class variable

I'm new to PHP so maybe I am overlooking something here but the following: class someClass { var $id = $_GET['id']; function sayHello() { echo "Hello"; } } gives the following error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in C:\xampp\htdocs\files\classes.php on line 13 If instead of $_GET['id'] I s...

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/future/public_html/modules/mod_mainmenu/tmpl/default.php on line 84

I'm unfortunately having an unknown error with my php file. (for joomla 1.5) I don't seem to get what's wrong. This is my entire code, with an apparent error on line 84. Would appreciate some feedback, thanks. <?php // no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); if ( ! defined('modMainMenuXMLCallbackDefined') ) ...

Why am I getting a SyntaxError in the Python interpreter?

This code works when I try it from a .py file, but fails in the command line interpreter and Idle. >>> try: ... fsock = open("/bla") ... except IOError: ... print "Caught" ... print "continue" File "<stdin>", line 5 print "continue" ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax I'm using python 2.6 ...

Code review - PHP syntax error unexpected $end

Hey guys! I keep getting a syntax error (unexpected $end), and I've isolated it to this chunk of code. I can't for the life of me see any closure issues. It's probably something obvious but I'm going nutty trying to find it. Would appreciate an additional set of eyes. function generate_pagination( $base_url, $num_items, $per...

Running SQL script through psql gives syntax errors that don't occur in PgAdmin

Hi I have the following script to create a table: -- Create State table. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "State" CASCADE; CREATE TABLE "State" ( StateID SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, StateName VARCHAR(50) ); It runs fine in the query tool of PgAdmin. But when I try to run it from the command line using psql: psql -U postgres -d dbname -f 0010...

Trouble defining method for Javascript class definition.

I'm somewhat new to object oriented programming in Javascript and I'm trying to build a handler object and library for a list of items I get back from an API call. Ideally, I'd like the library functions to be members of the handler class. I'm having trouble getting my class method to work however. I defined as part of the class bcObj...

What is wrong with mysql query?

I use the following mysql query, DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `allied`.`aboutus_delete`$$ CREATE DEFINER=`allied`@`%` PROCEDURE `aboutus_delete`( IN p_Id int(11) ) BEGIN if exists( select aboutUsId from aboutus where aboutUsId=p_id and isDeleted=0 ) ...