
How do you know if syslog-ng stops your listening daemon?

I wrote a PHP program that hooks into syslog-ng (via syslog-ng.conf) and it's basically this: while (!feof(STDIN)) { $input = fgets(STDIN); process($input); } cleanup(); where process() and cleanup() are defined by me. The problem I am facing is that cleanup(2) is never called and I need it to be executed before the program e...

How to prevent duplicate logging with syslog-ng

I'm getting log messages written to multiple files. Apache log messages are caught by a custom filter I've added (because I'd like them in their own set of files) - but the user filter also catches those messages and writes the to a user.x.log. I'd like the user filter to catch anything that isn't being logged elsewhere. Do I need to w...

Can I use a more advanced template for extracting $PROGRAM in syslog-ng?

Hi I am sending messages to Syslog using two Apache SyslogAppenders in Java. My ConversionPatterns are: Instance-${}: %d %-5p [%c] (%t) %m%n Application-MyApp: ${} - %d %-5p [%c] (%t) %m%n I then have different Log4J categories configured to send different messages to either one of, or both appenders...