
interrogating table lock schemes in T-SQL

Is there some means of querying the system tables to establish which tables are using what locking schemes? I took a look at the columns in sysobjects but nothing jumped out. ...

In SQL Server 2000, is there a sysobjects query that will retrieve user views and not system views?

Assuming such a query exists, I would greatly appreciate the help. I'm trying to develop a permissions script that will grant "select" and "references" permissions on the user tables and views in a database. My hope is that executing the "grant" commands on each element in such a set will make it easier to keep permissions current when...

SQL Server: Listing all indexes

I'm wondering what the simplest way to list all indexes for all tables in a database is. Should I call sp_helpindex for each table and store the results in a temp table, or is there an easier way? Can anyone explain why constraints are stored in sysobjects but indexes are not? ...

The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'sysobjects', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'.

SETUP: SQL Server 2005 & DotNetNuke 05.01.02. This started with me trying to install a DNN Module that had "select * from dbo.sysobjects" in it's SQL scripts. That failed with the following error: The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'sysobjects', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'. I logged into the data...