
What are Table-Driven Methods

What are Table-Driven methods as mentioned by Bill Gates on Vista commercial on ...

How to use Decision Tables to help your application

I learned some time ago about Decision Trees and Decision tables. I feel that Decision Tables can help with conditional If-Then-Else statements. In particular, I feel that Decision Tables have no side-effects, for example, if you didn't notice that you need one more "else if" statement. But I am not sure how I can implement it. Arrays? ...

How to design table-driven routing engine

I'm trying to design a table-driven routing engine for a contract management application that will compute appropriate reviewers and approvers given a set of input criteria. My platform is Sharepoint with K2 and InfoPath 2007 (I'm working on the InfoPath form, a colleague is working on the K2 workflow). The results will be used by K2 to ...

Recommend visually appealing table-driven web forms management framework?

Nearly all our work is "by hand" with some excellent in-house frameworks. However, these are for ERP-style applications and are (sometimes too) complex. Working with more business-critical applications, one focuses on function and not pleasantry. We have a need to bring up some non-trivial "external-facing" data entry forms. There wi...