
mysql and .net: when using tableadapters I'm getting MySqlException "insert command denied for user", otherwise everything is fine

Hi! I am using mysql as db for my application. Here are the facts: I am using connection string from web.config which has both username and password. I can do SELECT with tableadapter. When I am trying to do INSERT with tableadapter, I am getting "mysqlexception insert command denied for user" error When I try to do INSERT pr...

mysql and .net: when using tableadapters I’m getting MySqlException “insert command denied for user”, otherwise everything is fine

Hi! I am using mysql as db for my application. Here are the facts: I am using connection string from web.config which has both username and password. I can do SELECT with tableadapter. When I am trying to do INSERT with tableadapter, I am getting "mysqlexception insert command denied for user" error When I try to do INSERT prog...

TableAdapter.Update not working

Here is my function: private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { wO_FlangeMillBundlesTableAdapter.Update(invClerkDataDataSet.WO_FlangeMillBundles); wO_HeadMillBundlesTableAdapter.Update(invClerkDataDataSet.WO_HeadMillBundles); wO_WebMillBundlesTableAdapter.Update(invClerkDataDataSet.WO_WebMil...

bind a WPF datagrid to a datatable

I have used the marvelous example posted at: to bind a WPF datagrid to a datatable. The source code below compiles fine; it even runs and displays the contents of the InfoWork datatable in the wpf datagrid. Hooray! But the WPF page with the datagrid will not display in the des...

C# TableAdapter.Update() is using UPDATE rather than INSERT

SELECT WO_BreakerRail.ID, indRailType.RailType, indRailType.RailCode, WO_BreakerRail.CreatedPieces, WO_BreakerRail.OutsideSource, WO_BreakerRail.Charged, WO_BreakerRail.Rejected, WO_BreakerRail.RejectedToCrop, COALESCE (WO_BreakerRail.Date, @date) AS Date FROM indRailType LEFT OUTER JOIN ...

How to create refresh statements for TableAdapter objects in Visual Studio?

I am working on developing an ADO.NET data provider and an associated DDEX provider. I am unable to convince the Visual Studio TableAdapater Configuration Wizard to generate SQL statements to refresh the data table after inserts and updates. It generates the insert and delete statements but will not produce the select statements to do t...

ADO.NET tableadapter add/update/delete

I'm using the table adapter in C# where visual studio generates the code for you. I have inserts and updates working just fine using the following code. However when trying to delete using the .update it gives me the following error. Update requires a valid DeleteCommand when passed DataRow collection with deleted rows. this.worke...

VS.NET 2008 - Stop Giving me a Table Adapter.......

I'm trying to see if there is a way to stop VS.NET 2008 from doing something which is very annoying to me and our particular standards of coding. When you create a blank dataset and then drag over from the server a table (or tables), VS.NET automatically creates a table adapter for that table, puts the connection information into the X...

TableAdaptor's auto-generated method is returing the wrong type.

I have created a table adaptor method that I would like return a int or an ?int or something useful, however, it is returning an object. I created the method in the wizard and chose "SELECT which returns a scalar value" The sql is: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM myTable WHERE (firstID= @firstID) AND (secondID= @secondID) The auto ...

I insert new parent row and child rowstate changes from Added to unchanged

rowsUpdated is an int32 to count how many rows are updated rowsToUpdate = dataset.ParentTable.Select("", "", dataviewRowState.Added) if rowsToUpdate isNot Nothing then for each row as datarow in RowsToUpdate **changes the rowstate:** rowsUpdated = rowsUpdated + ParentTableAdapter.update(row) Next row End if I'm sure it'...

How to Avoid Duplicate Key Exception

I am using TableAdapter to insert records in table within a loop. foreach(....) { .... .... teamsTableAdapter.Insert(_teamid, _teamname); .... } Where TeamID is the primary key in the table and _teamID inserts it. Actually i am extracting data from XML file which contains unique teamId After first run of this loop, Insert thr...

Change VS created dataset's source database at runtime

Hi, This question and answers discuss the theory as well as methods to achieve the desired result so I don't wish to re-hash those suggestions. I'm trying to make sure there isn't an easy solution in my instance before I rewrite all my tableadapters. What I do have is a relatively mature and complex project utilising many datasets all ...

Database Changes Rolled back when rebuilding the .SLN (VS2008)

So, folks. Got an interesting occurrence going on here. I have a windows forms application made in VS2008 which has, up until recently, been connecting to a SQL Server 2008 database. I was able to edit, insert, delete, or select any of the various tables within the database, and the changes were commited -- each time I made a change to ...

VS.NET 2008 Dataset TableAdapter wizard connecting to Oracle -- any way to control the DataType for columns it creates?

Quick summary: When using the TableAdapter Configuration Wizard for typed datasets, the wizard does some implicit mapping from Oracle datatypes to .NET datatypes. Does anyone know how I can access & modify that mapping logic? In more detail: I often create strongly-typed datasets against an Oracle database (using either the "Oracle Dat...

Paremeters in TableAdapter not accepted

I'm currently trying to set up my TableAdapters, but it doesn't allow me to use parameters (what makes it quite useless) - When I create a new Query SELECT users.* FROM users WHERE name LIKE @name It tells me there is a SQL-Error near '@'... I'm using VS08 with C# and an Access-Database using OleDB-Driver ...

Update query not working in table adapter

I have a table adapter on which I want to query an update to my database. UPDATE Polls SET DateRequest = ? WHERE (Id = ?) But it's not working when I try to execute it _pollsAdapter.UpdatePollById(id, DateTime.Parse(RequestedDateBox.Text).ToOADate()); The adapter also has some other queries for selecting or inserting and they all w...

What's the best way of rounding numbers in an ASP.NET GridView bounded to a DataTable?

I have a GridView that is bound to a DataTable, which in turn uses a TableAdapter, like so: ResultTableAdapter tableAdapter = new ResultTableAdapter(); ResultDataTable dataTable= tableAdapter.GetResult(id); gridView.DataSource = dataTable; This gridview displays many columns with numbers in them. Now I have to display the numbers in t...

Typed Dataset ConstraintException on insert

Basically I have a table that contains hierarchical data. So I have an id column, and a rollup column which points to the id column for each child's parent. This table is loaded from the database using GetData() on the TableAdapter then the table's primary key autoincrementseed is set using: SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('TableName') + 1 ...

TableAdapter Update fail

Hi everyone, I have a VB windows Form project that connects to several DataTables in an Access DB. On my form I have several textboxes, comboboxes and datetimepickers that are bound to those sources. With one table in particular when I try to update the tableadapter after editing one of the textboxes the update method fails. No exceptio...

Changing CommandText changes Parameters

I'm trying to edit the CommandText for the Insert Command in a TableAdapter in the Designer in Whenever I make changes to the CommandText, Visual Studio (2008) automagically changes the Parameters to a Collection consisting of one Parameter that existed before editing the Command, immersed in a sea of complete garbage Parameters,...