
Converting newlines to spaces in Latex

I'm writing a document and I have a few chapter titles that I would like to appear as 2 lines for a chapter title, but only one line in the table of contents. Is there a simple command I to filter out the newline character like this? Chapter Title First Line: Second more informative line ToC: First Line: Second more infor...

Table of contents problem in Word 2007

I have a TOC which goes over several pages, and I want a new pages to start with a "toc 1"-entry and never with a "toc 2"-entry. I've tried to put "Keep with next" on the "Toc 1"-style and "Keep lines together" on the "Toc 2"-style, but it wont work. Anyone out there who got a solution to this? ...

MediaWiki tag extensions: updating table of contents (TOC).

Writing a tag extension. Suppose I want tag <foo> to add its character contents as another entry in the page's table of contents. Surrounding the content with == (for instance) doesn't work. It creates an <h2> and 'edit' hyperlink but no TOC update (I've made sure to test with more than four <foo>s since anything less won't render a TOC,...