
jquery tablesorter sorting numbers incorrectly

My table has a column of numbers which are sorted incorrectly. Example numbers: 5.8 2.4 10.7 0.1 1.9 and basically my problem is 10.7 should be at the very end/very start depending on which way it was sorted. but it is showing up in the middle. ...

tablesorter pager initial pagination

Hi, This might sound like a very stupid question to some of you, but I assure you I've been checking through the internet and I haven't had any luck about this. My question is: is it possible to set an initial pagination number in the tablesorter pager plugin? By default it takes the 10 option, but I've tried to put a 5 as the selecte...

javascript table sorting/paging (client-side). How big is too big?

I'm using a jQuery plugin called Tablesorter to do client-side sorting of a log table in one of my applications. I am also making use of the tablepager add-in. I really like the responsiveness that client-side sorting and paging brings to the party. I also like how you don't have to hit the web server or database repeatedly. However I...

tablesorter pager

Hello everyone, I'm working with tablesorter and I've not been able to find any documentation about the plugin tablesorter pager. The thing is that I have a table that displays some data and in each row there is a delete link that has attached to it the unique identifier of the element that it's going to be deleted (obviously). My quest...

jQuery tablesorter textExtractionCustom problem

Hello, I have a table setup like this: <table id="product_table"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Bandwidth</th> <th>Price</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Name #1 (works fine)</td> <td>Technology<br /><span>3000</span> / 600</td> ...

how do you sort puncation with jquery tablesorter?

I have a column that contains address "line 2" type values. this column can contain values like #431, UNIT 203, and APT. C and of course it can contain blank (or empty string) values also. i need an answer to two questions: How would you expect a mixed values like this to be sorted (i.e. blank or pound signs on top when ascending)? ...

Unable to display ToolTips

All, I am trying to get JQueryUI tooltip and Tablesorter plugin to work together. I am unable to display the JQueryUI tooltip when I hover on the names but they won't appear after I click the "Reset Sort Order" link. How can I make sure the tooltip is displayed after I click the "Reset Sort Order" link. The tooltip should also be displ...

Display JQuery UI Tooltip after table reset

All, I am trying to get JQueryUI tooltip and Tablesorter plugin to work together. I am unable to display the JQueryUI tooltip when I hover on the names but the tooltip won't appear after I click the "Reset Sort Order" link. How can I make sure the tooltip is displayed after I click the "Reset Sort Order" link. The tooltip should also b...

Sorting Table Columns with jQuery Table Sorter

I was wondering if there's a way to sort columns with Table sorter So that I could arrange the columns themselves according to some ID or anything. So here for instance, If I want to sort the table so that the Apple column Would be first, how do I do that? ...

Jquery tablesorter for diffrent date format

Hi in jquery table sorter doc we have date in Jan 18, 2001 9:12 AM this format. If i am changing dis date to January 12, 2010 format then sorting is not happening. Can any one please help. ...

jQuery table sort with colspan or rowspan

Hi I'm using tablesorter and have problems with sorting tables that contain rowspan in definition. I've read hints here but solution doesn't work when I have different values for rowspan: once is rowspan=3, once 4 - depends on data taken from DB. Do you have any other plugin that sorts even s...

jQuery tablesorter working with pagination and sortForce

I have a set of about 40 records in a list which works inside a table with pagination, 10 records per page and sorting enabled on all the columns. My problem is, pagination doesn't appear to work with the sortForce option. When implementing it, the page will "work" (as in load) on the first load, and when clicking on one of the columns...

jQuery tablesorter plugin does not work after AJAX call

Hi, I have used jQuery table sorter plugin in my code. It works fine as long as I don't make an ajax request to load the table data dynamically. I am using combo boxes to filter the contents of the table by ajax. I read few posts which says using $("table").trigger("update"); can solve my problem. I tried it with my code but the problem...

Tablesorter and Pager: how to install?

I have my tablesorter with zebra up and running just fine but I can't seem to install the pager properly. When I include the pager.js file like you see below, it breaks my sorting all together. The sorting works fine when this file is not loaded but I get no pager. Someone, what am I doing wrong? <script type="text/javascript" src="/s...

jQuery tablesorter - sorting by rows and columns, not just columns

Hi, I have this problem. I have a big table with categories in THEAD and in TBODY I have authors of articles. When i apply tablesorter on this table, I can sort it by columns But I want to sort it by rows too, so I can tell, how many articles author has in which category. Is it possible? Oh I forgot, I am using this tablesorter: http:/...

jQuery tablesorter plugin - perform an action AFTER table is sorted

Hi there, I have a table which is sorted successfully using the tablesorter plugin. However, I want to highlight the text in a particular text field in a particular row. It has a unique ID, but when I place my code after the sorting code it doesn't work. Here's my code: jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("#filetable").tables...

jQuery tablesorter - rowspan in headers causes odd behavior

Example of failure: Desired Behavior: Ideally, any headers with a colspan shouldn't affect sorting. Right now, they receive sorting buttons, and even if I specify headers: {index: {sorter: false}} for each of the colspan headers, they still affect sorting. When I click the headers with no rowspa...

Jquery tablesorter can't make pager work

Hello , i have this modified tablesorter and pager installed at : you could see both sorting and pager mess out ... I have the same version of this but without pager located at in the second version the sort work fine .. Does anybody know a wa...

jQuery tablesorter plugin - comma decimals

Hello, I've been searching the web for an answer but there simply isn't a solution that works. I have a table with prices in this format: "1.234,56", so the decimals are after the comma and the dot is for separating thousands. This format doesn't work, tablesorter plugin sees it as strings rather than a number whenever there's a differe...

Jquery table sorter and IE8

I am using this code and everything works fine in firefox. But on IE8, the class for TH is not set, so no arrows show up. Anyone had this problem? I cannot find anything wrong with this code. Thanks. var myTextExtraction = function(node) { return node.getAttribute('sorting'); } jQuery("#myTable").tablesorter({te...