
jsp create scripting variable like jsp:usebean does

I would like to do something like <test:di id="someService" /`> <% someService.methodCall(); %> where <test:di gets and instantiates a service bean and creates a scripting variable for use. similar to how jsp:usebean works for example <jsp:useBean id="someDate" class="java.util.Date" /> <% someDate.g...

packaging tagfiles in jar

how can i package tagfiles in a jar so it can be reused acrossed multiple projects? ...

fragment was not found at expected path (eclipse jsp)

In eclipse, I have a javaproject (not a web project), though it does provide reusable tag files. layout +src +++META-INF ----my.tld +++++++++++tags ---------------include.jsp I keep on getting Fragment "/META-INF/tags/include.jsp" was not be found at expected path /Project/META-INF/tags/taginclude.jsp How can I modify the path eclips...

jetty - reload tag file in jar

Hi, I have my main web project and a common project which houses my tag files. Currently I use jetty in exploded structure and I jar up my common project with my tag files and place into web-inf/lib. When I make a change to my tag file, I can rejar and place into web-inf/lib again, though jetty is failing. javax.servlet.ServletExcepti...

How to create a InputText Tag File with a value attribute and a backing bean?

I want to create a Tag (Source) File to get a custom tag in facelets (as described here). I want it to get used like this: <my:inputText value="#{myBean.someString}"/> <my:inputText inputText="#{myBean.inputText}"/> In the first case, one could bind it to a simple String property within my bean. In the second case myBean should provid...

Eclipse Ganymede not validating tag files properly

When editing foo.tag with a line like: <h1>Header</h1> it says on the <h1>: "Unknown tag (h1)" it says on the </h1>: "Error" This only happens in tag files, not JSPs. Ayudame? ...

Can I use a *.tag from another *.tag file in the same /WEB-INF/tags folder?

Hello, I am trying to refactor my JSP code so that a small conditional test condition gets reused through a *.tag file. There are some big parts of my UI that depend on the value of a two-state property of an object present in the request. Let's say the property is 'gender' and the object is of type Person. Like I said, I would like t...