
Sort tag cloud alphabetically in acts_as_taggable_on_steroids

I got the acts_as_taggable_on_steroids plugin to work fine. The tag_cloud method in my view create and formats the cloud properly however the tags are listed in order of 'count desc'. How to I present my tags in the cloud in alphabetical order? ...

Grails: How to combine findAllBy and findAllByTag

Hi, as I am new to Grails and dynamic languages, I do have some 'hopefully simple' question. I installed the taggable plugin which works fine. There is an array coming in with tags. I collect for every tag the set of data with findAllByTag. After that I randomise it and pick one entry. Works great. Now I decided not to take all objects...

Unknown record property / related component "..." on "..." with sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin

Hi, I'm using the symfony plugin sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin to add a Taggable behaviour to some objects of my model. I followed the instruction given here but when I want to save a taggable element in the database I get : Unknown record property / related component "saved_tags" on "Mishidea" Mishidea is the name of the class/tabl...

Grails Liquibase plugin and Taggable plugin

Perhaps this is a shot in the dark but I am attempting to use the Grails Liquibase plugin and it appears as though there is a compatibility issue with the Taggable plugin. The Taggable plugin works by implementing Taggable on the domain classes which you want to be taggable. When I try to run the Liquibase command grails generate-change...