
Sort tag cloud alphabetically in acts_as_taggable_on_steroids

I got the acts_as_taggable_on_steroids plugin to work fine. The tag_cloud method in my view create and formats the cloud properly however the tags are listed in order of 'count desc'. How to I present my tags in the cloud in alphabetical order? ...

Find related tags using acts_as_taggable

I am having trouble using find_related_tags with an :any and :all option and can't find any working examples. Without the :all option find_related_tags returns all fields in the array that I am providing, ideally it would only return tags that are related to all fields in the array. ...

How to return the number of Posts Tagged with "example" using acts_as_taggable under ROR

How to return the number of Posts Tagged with "example" using acts_as_taggable under ROR currently I am implementing this by declare <%=Questions.find_tagged_with("example", :match_all => true).size%> I wonder if there is any other better solutions out there, thank you in advance! ...

How can I scope acts_as_taggable_on_stereoids by Account ?

If I have my website logically split into accounts (eg.,, how can I implement act-as-taggable-on-steroids and have the tags scoped by the current account ? To give little more details, if I am accessing acme I don't want to see tags from xyz subdomain. I have looked into act-as-taggable-on, but the...

find all children of an object tagged with acts_as_taggable_on

I have a rails site with two models: events and dates events has many dates events are tagged using acts_as_taggable_on I'm trying to find all dates (chronological order) for events tagged with a specific tag. I can figure out how to get all the tagged events, but I can't figure out how to get all of the dates. The end result I'm ...

undefined_method 'tag_count' using acts_as_taggable_on_steroids

Hi, I am using acts_as_taggable to create a tag cloud for my application. I have a model 'Question' which is using the acts_as_taggable plug-in. I basically want to filter the tags for the question model. I also have a 'Subject' model. So the relation between subjects and questions is that a subject has many questions, and a question ...

rails tagging (tags with special characters)

Hello, I have recently started using RoR acts-as-taggable-on plugin/gem which doesnt seem to support special characters. If I want to use tags within other language other than english (that uses non-standard letters), the plugin wont work as expected (bad urls and characters in tag name). Is there any way to set it so that each tag wi...

LocalJumpError, Tag Cloud with acts_as_taggable on Rails 2.3.5

I'm using acts_as_taggable_on_steroids plugin with rails 2.3.5 to build a tag cloud and I'm unfamiliar with the syntax of their view loop. I couldn't find any ruby doc explaining that loop either. When I run the code below I get this "no block given" error. LocalJumpError in Tags#index Showing app/views/tags/index.html.erb where line ...

Hyphenate tags added to acts_as_taggable_on

Hi I am using acts_ as_ taggable_on in my app and have it working perfectly however I am looking for information on how to make one modification. At present if I enter a tag which includes spaces, the tag is saved with these spaces and so to view all records with this tag I have something like: http://myapp.local/tag/this%20tag%20has%...

Link_to doesn't work when using acts-as-taggable-on with custom method

Or rather I don't know how to specify the route for it. I have my controller setup us: def tags @clients = current_user.clients.find_tagged_with(params[:tag]) end and my views Tags: <% for tag in @client.tags %> <%= link_to, clients_path(:view =>'tag', :tag => %> <% end %> Only problem is that the link (cli...

Sphinx - When to use 'has' and 'indexes' for fields

Hi, I installed Sphinx and Thinking-Sphinx some days ago on my ruby on rails 2.3.2, and basic searching works great. This means, without any conditions. Now, I want to filter the search with some conditions. I have the Announcement model, and the index looks as follows: define_index do indexes title, :as => :title, :sortable => ...

Thinking Sphinx and acts_as_taggable_on plugin

Hi, I installed Sphinx and Thinking Sphinx for ruby on rails 2.3.2. When I search without conditions search works ok. Now, what I'd like to do is filter by tags, so, as I'm using the acts_as_taggable_on plugin, my Announcement model looks like this: class Announcement < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_taggable_on :tags,:category defi...

How can I delete the tag from the tag list of the act_as_tagg plugin?

I have tried to destroy tags from the given code but it's not working. How can it be accomplished? @tag = Tag.find_by_name(params[:name]) @tag.destroy render :update do |page| page[:divtag].innerHTML = render :partial => "controls/tag_list" end ...

Rails acts_as_taggable_on grouped alphabetically?

Having sorted the tag_counts hash via the following code: sorted_tags = Contact.tag_counts.sort{ |x,y| <=> } what is the easiest/most efficient way to display the tags in my view grouped by letters? i.e A - "Alpha", "Apple", "Aza" B - "Beta", "Bonkers" . . . Z - "Zeta", "Zimmer" Any ideas? ...

Model's method not being recognized when called

I'm using ruby on rails 2.3.2 and also using the acts_as_taggable_on puglin. That generated me two db tables: tags and taggings. As I didn't need anything more from those, I didn't create a Tag model, for example. Now the project is more mature, I need to create some methods for tags, so I created a Tag model with some methods in it. T...

Rails (pagination and tags)

Hey, I stumbled upon a problem of how to make work together acts_as_taggable (on steroids) and will_paginate gems. What I found on this problem is this: But it's dated of 2007, may be there's something more recent? A...

acts_as_taggable_on with finders...

I would like to use acts_as_taggable_on to do a auto suggest style tagging similar to stackoverflow below... that or facebook. But I'm unsure looking thru the rdocs what methods to use to pull all the various tags from a giving model. Article.tag_counts_on(:tags) That gives me all the tags... but i'd like to do something more advance...

Stable URL of acts_as_taggable plugin in Ruby on Rails

Hi, In one of my applications on Ruby on Rails, I am using acts_as_taggable plugin. Coding was doing fine and suddenly it started giving following error. RuntimeError (acts_as_taggable_on_steroids has been moved to github: app/models/post.rb:2 app/controllers/post_controller...

Rail plugin acts_as_taggable_on :through

I have two models: class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :projects end class Project < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_taggable_on :skills, :roles end I would like to find Employees using the tags associated with their projects. The geokit-rails plugin supports a similar concept, using its ':through' relationship. Ideally, I ...

weird behavior with acts_as_taggable_on

Edit The instructions on Github instruct you to use the gemcutter source for the gem. Currently, this installs version 2.0.5 which includes the bug I've detailed below. @Vlad Zloteanu demonstrates that 1.0.5 does not include the bug. I have also tried with 1.0.5 and confirm that the bug does not exist in this version. People struggling...