
How to always return a set number of records when using find_related_tags with acts-as-taggable-on

I'm using the acts-as-taggable-on gem and I need to use find_related_tags on my survey model to get back 3 surveys every time. In the event there aren't always 3 related I need to pick how ever many are related plus some random ones to get to 3. Additionally I have a method I wrote called completed_survey_ids which return an array of s...

Unknown record property / related component "..." on "..." with sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin

Hi, I'm using the symfony plugin sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin to add a Taggable behaviour to some objects of my model. I followed the instruction given here but when I want to save a taggable element in the database I get : Unknown record property / related component "saved_tags" on "Mishidea" Mishidea is the name of the class/tabl...

which acts_as_taggable

There are multiple plugins available for tagging in a rails app. Which one would you suggest. What are the pros and cons. Thanks Pankaj ...

acts_as_taggable undefined method 'each' error

I am trying to use acts_as_taggable plugin to include tag functionality in my ruby on rails application. I have attached the code. I have installed the plugin and also run the migrations.I am getting the following error. undefined method `each' for "value of the parameter":String Code location.rb - location table has name, tags(this ...

acts-as-taggable-on fails to initialize Tag object

At some point I started getting the error message: uninitialized constant TaggingsController::Tag for @tags = Tag.all(:order=>'name') and @tag = previously it had been working. I can see nothing that explains the cause. For at least 2 weeks it worked in production but not locally. Another developer downloaded the app an...

Rails: Sort most used acts_as_taggable tags by a user.

I have set up two models: user and post. Each post belongs_to a user. posts also have tags, using acts_as_taggable. On UserController#show I want to list the tags the user uses, sorting from most used to less used. Getting a list of tags is not hard, but how can I sort them? I use this to find the tags: @tags = [] @user.posts.each do |...

Mysql::Error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes

script/generate acts_as_taggable_on_migration rake db:migrate causes Mysql::Error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes: CREATE INDEX `index_taggings_on_taggable_id_and_taggable_type_and_context` ON `taggings` (`taggable_id`, `taggable_type`, `context`) What should I do? Here is my database encoding: mysql> S...

Rails 3 tagging problems, acts_as_taggable_on

I'm using acts_as_taggable_on to add tags to posts, other tagging plugins/gems don't work with rails 3. I can edit/display tags on the post model and the tags controller displays the posts tagged by name i.e /tags/post-tag-name/. The functionality I want is to turn the tags on the posts pages into links to display the other posts with th...