
Why does the JVM still not support tail-call optimization?

Two years after does-the-jvm-prevent-tail-call-optimizations, there seems to be a prototype implementation and MLVM has listed the feature as "proto 80%" for some time now. Is there no active interest from Sun's/Oracle's side in supporting tail calls or is it just that tail calls are "[...] fated to come in second place on every feature...

Optimizing tail-calls in C#

I've got a deeply recursive function that should in theory work well even with large inputs. The problem is at the time of writing I forgot that C# doesn't do tail-call optimization very well, if at all, so I get StackOverflowExceptions for any complex-enough input. The basic structure of the method is in two large methods, each calling ...

how is C# tail recursion optimization possible when a stack trace is returned when an exception is raised

I'be seen a few questions regarding missing tail call optimization in C# supposedly making the language ill suited for recursive algorithm implementations. this, however,begs the question, how can we do tail call optimizations and still provide sensible stack traces when exceptions are raised or when reflection may be used to inspect the...