
how to connect to postgresql using url

I had asked an earlier question which did not get any replies. Basically I get an error invalid database url when I try to do heroku db:push So I figured I can try explicitly providing the database url. so I tried heroku db:push postgres://postgres@localhost/myrailsdb but that gave error: Failed to connect to database: Sequel::...

Problem with heroku db:pull while at work.

When I try to pull down a database while at work I get the following error: :>heroku db:pull Auto-detected local database: sqlite://db/development.sqlite3 Bad credentials given for http://heroku:[hidden]@taps.heroku.com Note that when I am at home I am able to run this command just fine. I wanted to know if you have any suggestion...

Connection error with heroku db:push with postgresql

I have suddenly started seeing this strange error when trying to push my database to heroku. > heroku db:push Auto-detected local database: postgres://infinity:infinity@localhost/infinity_development?encoding=utf8 Failed to connect to database: Sequel::DatabaseConnectionError -> TypeError wrong argument type String (expected Array) My...

Heroku taps push weirdness...

I have the strangest experience using taps to move data between my machine and Heroku. It works fine except that it seems to lose 0s directly behind the decimal place for my geo coordinates i.e. 50.0519322 for some reason gets set to 50.519322... no idea why. When I pull the data from the remote location ie. heroku db:pull... it works...

Heroku: Postgres type operator error after migrating DB from MySQL

This is a follow-up to a question I'd asked earlier which phrased this as more of a programming problem than a database problem. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2935985/postgres-error-with-sinatra-haml-datamapper-on-heroku I believe the problem has been isolated to the storage of the ID column in Heroku's Postgres database after run...

Heroku db:push Sequel::DatabaseConnectionError -> Mysql::Error: Access denied for user 'reg'@'localhost ' (using password: NO)

I have a problem using the heroku db:push command to transfer a MySQL database to heroku. I've tried using the same command for another app with a sqlite3 database and everything went fine. C:\Users\reg\Team-Omni>heroku db:push Loaded Taps v0.3.9 Auto-detected local database: mysql:// Warning: Data in t...

Error installing taps

Here is my Gem Environment: RubyGems Environment: - RUBYGEMS VERSION: 1.3.5 - RUBY VERSION: 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [x86_64-linux] - INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /var/lib/gems/1.8 - RUBY EXECUTABLE: /usr/bin/ruby1.8 - EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY: /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin - RUBYGEMS PLATFORMS: - ruby - x86_64-linux - GEM...

All fields list for packets in Wireshark:Lua

Im trying to get a list of all protocol fields for a packet. I tried all_field_infos, but it returns userdata and i couldnt figure the metatable to use to read it. Does wireshark pass a protocol tree to a tap ? ( we accept (tvb,pinfo,tree) for dissectors so i figured that it might ) Is there some Proto.fields sorta property which returns...

How do I pull heroku data into a local SQLite3 database? Running into problems

I'm trying to make a local backup of the data from my Rails app, which is deployed to Heroku, and running into problems. I followed the instructions here: http://docs.heroku.com/taps and installed Taps. I get two types of errors. I created a SQLite db locally and tried pulling data with this command: (sudo) heroku db:pull sqlite://...

heroku db:push failing (randomly?) w/ "duplicate key value violates unique constraint"

I'm trying to push a large database (1.6 GB over 8 tables) to Heroku via db:push and having strange issues. It keeps failing, at different points in the transfer process, with: HTTP CODE: 500 Taps Server Error: PGError: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "letters_pkey" letters is a large table (1.3 M records) b...

iPhone count finger taps and time between taps

I'm pretty new to iPhone programming, so I'm looking for any pointers (no pun intended), links, search terms, etc. on how to make a very simple app that counts how many times one finger touches the screen and how long between each tap. Thanks for any help, I know this resembles a lame question seeing as how I have really accomplished an...