
How to judge number of buckets for TBucketList

I've been using the TBucketList and TObjectBucketList for all my hashing needs, but never experiemented with switching the number of buckets. I vaguely remember what this means from Data Structures class, but could someone elaborated on the nuances of this particular class in Delphi The following table lists the possible values: Valu...

Number of items stored in Bucket list

I was wondering how to get the number of items stored in a TBucketList. As far as I can see there is only the number of buckets and the bucket array available, so all I can think of is Count := 0; for I := 0 to BucketList.BucketCount - 1 do Inc (Count, BucketList.Buckets [I].Count); That does work but it seems odd to me, that I have...