I am using the following tcl code to store a file from my deskstop into a Sqlite database as blob data ($fileText is a path to a text file):
sqlite3 db Docs.db
set fileID [open $fileText RDONLY]
fconfigure $fileID -translation binary
set content [read $fileID]
close $fileID
db eval {insert into Document (Doc) VALUES ($content)}
db close...
I am trying to list all of the functions a namespace has in it (warning - I'm really new to Tcl, so I'll probably use the wrong words for parts of Tcl). For example, I have a tcl shell someone compiled for me (if that's the right way to phrase it), and I know at least one function exists, let's call it
I know in ru...
I know there is a TLS package for Tcl 8.x.
I cannot find any packages to do TLS/SSL on Tcl 7.x.
I would be happy to get any pointers to such an implementation.
Hello ,
I using tdom version 0.8.2 to parse html pages.
From the help pages I found the following commands to get the ElementById
TCL code
set html {<html>
<div id="m">
package require tdom
set doc [ dom parse -html $html ]
set node [ $doc getElementById m]
But when I execute the s...
i have created http seesion, using the same http session, i would like to do some get and set operations.
Note : What ever the operation, data is present in XML Format, giving xml file as input. And need to fetch the status.
Is it possible using TCL curl.
I have a script that calls:
eval source \{$scriptfile\}
where $scriptfile is another TCL script. Is there way to pass parameters to the script? I'd like to do something like:
set sampleData "ID=14678934"
eval source \{$scriptfile\} $sampleData
I know that this isn't allowed but, is there a way to pass data to a script that is ...
My question is i have created two versions that is 1.1 1.2 packages
i have same procedures in 1.1 and 1.2 but i modified a new version of procedure in 1.2.
Now my question is suppose to want acess old version (1.1) procedure. How i do?
i wrote a script for spawing the bc command
package require Expect
proc bc {eq} {
spawn e:/GnuWin32/bc/bin/bc
send "$eq\r"
expect -re "(.*)\r"
return "$expect_out(0,string)"
set foo "9487294387234/sqrt(394872394879847293847)"
puts "the valule [bc $foo]"
how to get the output from this. When i am running this one i...
The documentation on the google code project page is pretty thin. I'm wondering if there is any in depth documentation on using expect4j; code examples would be helpful as well.
hi, i am working on an ubuntu system. My aim is to basically make an IDE in C language using GUI tools from TCL/TK. I installed tcl 8.4, tk8.4, tcl8.4-dev, tk8.4-dev and have the tk.h and tcl.h headers file in my system. But, when I am running a basic hello world program it's showing a hell lot of errors.
#include "tk.h"
#include "stdio...
hi, i am working on an ubuntu system. My aim is to basically make an IDE in C language using GUI tools from TCL/TK. I installed tcl 8.4, tk8.4, tcl8.4-dev, tk8.4-dev and have the tk.h and tcl.h headers file in my system. But, when I am running a basic hello world program it's showing a hell lot of errors.
#include "tk.h"
#include "stdio...
I have a tcl script that calls a lot of functions from bash including ssh. The part I'm struggling with looks like this:
proc connect {where} {
set bash c:/cygwin/bin/bash
catch {exec $bash -c "ssh $where"} result
puts $result
connect user@localhost
I get the authentication failed message:
Pseudo-terminal will not be al...
Any one knows how can I invoke the tclsh in the Tcl code due to different paths to tclsh in various platforms (Linux, SUN)?
For example in SUN:
in Linux:
How can I use the same Tcl code and execute it in the above two paths?
Here is an example
Interface {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} IP-Address {} {} {} {} {} OK? Method Status {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Protocol
FastEthernet0/0} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} unassigned {} {} {} {} {} YES unset {} administratively down down {} {} {} {
FastEthernet0/1} {} {} {} {} {} ...
I installed cygwin/curl on my machine and from tcl console or tclsh I can call the curl command however if I try to do it in a procedure I get the "invalid command name (name)" error.
%curl -o google.html http://www.google.com
works, but
%proc a {} {curl -o google.html http://www.google.com}
invalid command name "cu...
How do I convert a list into string in Tcl?
I am new to TCL and I wanted to know, if I can get the command history by using cursor key (like up arrow key) in TCL shell (tclsh).
I am running tclsh on fedora with linux version 2.6.21.
Hi all,
I am learning TCL and wanted to know how can I find out errors in my code. I mean what line no is error happening or how can I debug it.
Following is the code which I am trying :
proc ldelete {list value}{
set ix [lsearch -exact $list $value]
if{$ix >=0}{
return [lreplace $list $ix $ix]
} else {
hi all,
How can I achieve auto-completion of key words and directories by typing TAB (or something else) in TCL shell , tclsh.
Thanks in advance
SWIG doesn't wrap inherited static functions of derived classes. How it can be resolved?
Here is a simple illustration of the problem.
This is a simple C++ header file:
// file test.hpp
#include <iostream>
class B
static void stat()
{ std::cerr << "=== calling static function B::stat" << std::endl; }
void nonstat() c...