
Is it possible to enable ERASE while in non-canonical mode?

The question is pretty much in the title. I need to have my terminal in non-canonical mode for some input I am getting from the user (I need to have Ctrl-D act as an immediate "finished" signal, rather than flushing the input when pressed and only EOF-ing when there is no input to flush.), but this makes it impossible to ERASE. I am not ...

Changing directory echoes "Directory: <pwd>"

Hi, I have an annoying problem when using Screen on my SLED10 machine. When changing directory (cd, chdir, pushd/popd) the resulting path is echoed in the terminal. user@/home/user> cd .. Directory: /home user@/home> This problem only seem to exist in Screen. I have checked my prompt and it does not contain anything related to this ...

Is possible build an iPhone project from mac os x terminal and without an xcode project?

Hello everyone, is possible build an iPhone project from Mac os x terminal and without an xcode project? I'd like to make an iPhone static library without create and using xcode project and only with the terminal. Thanks ...

Problem with java.util.Scanner & strings

Hey, I tried to implement a simple yes/no input with java.util.Scanner. My code looks like this: public boolean ask(String quest){ String answ = scann(quest + " (y/n)"); answ = answ.split("")[1].toLowerCase(); if(answ == "y") { return true; } if(answ == "n") { return false;} //if answer isnt understood printOut("Please ent...

How is the PATH env variable set when opening a BASH shell in Terminal.app on OS X?

What startup scripts—in the order that they are called—set the PATH variable when opening a BASH shell in Terminal.app on OS X? ...

How to open a symlink without the terminal window popping up?

How can I open a symlink without the terminal window popping up? Moreover, when I close the terminal window, the application quits as well. I tried using nohup open symlink1 without any results. I have made a symlink to the iTunes executable (the one inside the contents package, NOT the iTunes.app) which I want to be able to open by ...

Add text at the end of document fragments on a Mac

On a Mac, I have a directory of html files that are all document fragments. Using the TexFinderX app, I was easily able to do a find/replace and add everything at the top of the documents that I wanted (i.e. etc.) . Now I need to find a way to add the closing tags to all of the documents (i.e. ). TexFinderX does not have a way to d...

Eclipse Project Compiling, Or Not?

I noticed that when I build even a very simple Java program in Eclipse, and I try to run it from the Terminal/Command Line and it gives me errors. I noticed after some hunting around that I have to actually compile the .java file I created in Eclipse in the Terminal to create and run the application. However, I can just save and run in...

SSH Variable not passing

Hello, I am having trouble making this work and am looking for some help. Currently i have a file dumped into my directory every day with the date as the file name (say "100928.zip") and I am trying to setup a cron job to unzip it but figured i'd test it first. Using OSX Terminal. This is what I am doing.... iDate='date +%y%m%d'; unz...

How do I select the line in bash terminal

Is it possible to select part of a string in the bash terminal and delete it at once, rather than navigating to a point in the command and backspacing it all?? thanks! ...

Network drive access through remoteapp and remote desktop connection

Hi All, I have a C++ application that uses GetDriveType() API to retrieve the drive type for the selected drive (list of drives populated in the combo box). I'm using 3 Windows Server 2008 R2 machines e.g. A,B,C. My C++ application runs on machine A. Also on machine A, I have created a network drive mapped to a drive of machine B. Whe...

Terminal Run Code for n seconds

I've searched for this, but haven't found a single command yet - how would i run say hello.o for n amount of seconds on the terminal.? ...

How to detach screen programmatically in linux?

This question is about the linux utility screen. I'd like to make a script to launch a program in screen then detatch it automatically after it starts. I've got the script starting screen, starting the command in screen, but my question is now how do I detach it? Thanks ...

How to execute shell command in new window in ruby/rails?

I have a rails app that needs to start a supporting Sinatra web service. I would like to invoke it via a rake task. But I want the Sinatra app to start inside a new terminal (command) window. Yes, I need to see it executing. # rake task namespace :daq_controller do desc "start the DAQ contoller web service" task :start do dir =...

Rewrite in place - stdout.

Because I'm currently setting up a new server for use, I've been using a lot of command-line programs like curl and wget, and I've noticed that they do something interesting. When run in the Terminal, they print their current progress in place (e.g. 54% will become 55% in place, instead of 55% being printed on the next line - download a ...

Terminal for Mac with code snippets (commands) ?

I need to know if there is a terminal replacement for Mac which allows me to store frequently used or long command snippets. e.g. this one: netstat -plan|grep :80|awk {'print $5'}|cut -d: -f 1|sort|uniq -c|sort -nk 1 this is quite long to type again and again and also quite hard to remember So I would prefer to just store them in sof...

Mac Terminal: How to get faster screencaptures?

I've written the following script to help me get successive screencaptures. I'm able to get the screencaptures to happen in successive files, but not as fast as I'd like them. The sleep rate isn't recognized after a certain point. What are the decimal limits for 'sleep'? If it can in fact go lower, is there something wrong with my scri...

Launch terminal from eclipse

Hi, I recently switched to Eclipse (Helios) for my programming needs, and I like it very much. There is just on thing that is driving me crazy, how can I launch (compile and run) my code into the native mac osx terminal. I tried creating an "external tools configuration", but that just starts the terminal without outputting the applic...

Cannot send character with minicom

Hi all, I'm using minicom to connect through a serial link to a target (UART link of a sparc processor). With gtkterm or cutecom, I can connect, read and send characters. The only issue with them is that they both insert empty lines after each LF character, and : -gtkterm cannot record output to a file -cutecom does not "flush" after r...

How can I send input to multiple terminal windows (not tabs)?

I use gnome-terminal (Ubuntu 10.10). I like it, though I'd be willing to switch to another for this feature. Can anyone tell me how I can broadcast keystrokes to multiple windows? The closest thing I've found is the "Terminator" program, which allows for broadcasting to multiple tabs, but not to multiple windows. Apparently a similar...