
I have a variable number of textboxes how do I retrieve their values in a servlet

I have a number of textboxes that will be displayed with their existing values. I want my servlet to be able to get all their values and then update the database with the the values that have changed. How do I get the values? Is there some way to put them into a HashMap with the id or name as the key and the value of the textbox as the...

Safari Textbox input with xcode

Hi, I am new to Xcode and would like to make a simple plug-in so that the plug-in can set the value to safari text box and get the id of the text box. Could someone please point me to the right direction? Thanks in advance. ...

MVVM Light is too fast :)

Hello, I have a simple WM7 Page with a TextBox. Futher, I assigned EventToCommand (a RelayCommand<string>) to this TextBox, reacting to the TextChanged event. For testing pourposes I made additional method TextBox_TextChanged in the page's code behind. Both the command and TextBox_TextChanged print a message box with the textbox content...

textbox - KeyPress event on Asp.net [no javascript]

Hi I'm designing a website and I want my login page to catch "Enter" with all components, but i can not assign any Key or Mouse Events to TextBox ... After pressing to "Enter" a function should be run with 2 parameters (user name and password). How can i do this? ...

OnFocus how to change border color of TextBoxField in blackberry

Hi All, I am using the following code for TextBoxField: http://na.blackberry.com/eng/devjournals/resources/journals/jul_2005/creating_textbox_field.jsp now i am trying to change TextBoxField border color when it focused. But could not able to get. need some help on this. Thanks, ...