
What is the current state of text-only compression algorithms?

In honor of the Hutter Prize, what are the top algorithms (and a quick description of each) for text compression? Note: The intent of this question is to get a description of compression algorithms, not of compression programs. ...

Old ASCII Protocol Avatar Question

For anyone that remembers the protocol Avatar, (I'm pretty sure this was it's name) I'm trying to find information on it. All I've found so far, is that it's an ANSI style compression protocol, done by compressing common ANSI escape sequences. But, back in the day, (The early 90's) I swore I remembered that it was used to compress ASCI...

What's the best practice for storing huge amounts of text (into a DB or as a file?), and what about compressing it?

I'm building a web-app that handles internal emails and other frequent small-to-medium sized chunks of text between users and clients. What's the best method for storing this data? In a database (MySQL) or as thousands of individual files? What about compressing it (PHP's gzcompress() or MySQL's compression features)? This will not be a...

Compressing a string, end result without line breaks?

I'm trying to compress any given string to a shorter version, copy paste-able compressed string that doesn't contain any line breaks. I tried gzcompress, but then copy/pasting the result into a different php script and trying to gzuncompress throws "Warning: gzuncompress(): data error" Is there any native php function that compresses a...

How come, diffrent text files become diffrent sizes after compression ?

I have file of some random text size = 27 gb and after compression it becomes 40 mb or so. And a 3.5 GB sql file become 45 Mb after compression. But a 109 mb text file become 72 mb after compression so what can be wrong with it. Why so less compressed, it must 10 mb or so , or i am missing something . All files as i can see is Engli...