
How to display agreement text in a TextArea?

I'm new to JSP programming and I'm wondering how can I display license agreement text in a text area? When I read it as a String and display it - the formatting of new lines and numbering of points is all lost. Or is there any other way of showing this text? Thanks, ...

Detect when a user arrives at the end of a readonly textarea in an html page

I need to detect when a user arrives at the end of a readonly textarea in an html page. The textarea will display a very long log for an application. The logs files are so big that is impossible to load all the text in one time (some log files are almost 200 MB). So I will load the first, say, 1000 lines, and then I need to detect when ...

Javascript: Put array into a text field

How would you go about putting an array into a textarea, each value on its own line? I thought about converting the array to a string, and the commas into new lines, but what if the value of an array item has a comma? ...

Java swing and expand window/textarea

In the following example, I want to be able to expand the text area when I maximize or minimize the window. Right now, the textarea is set to the cols/rows. If I hit maximize, the text area should expand as the window expands. Note: this is kind of a pseudo example. I may add more components which is why I used the GridBagLayout mana...

Textarea $.post as undefined

Using jquery I'm trying to post textarea content back to a php backend. I can successfully alert out the textarea content, however when I use the $.post, firebug shows it as 'undefined'. The post will successfully send the borrowing id. I have also tried giving the textarea a unique id but to no avail. alert($('textarea').val()); $...

setting textarea value in IE and FF

A demo for sharing data between an input (id=obHid) and a textarea (id=idField) if($.browser.msie) $("#"+idField).text($("#obHid").val()); // IE else $("#"+idField).attr("value", $("#obHid").val()); // FF Iskrahelk, ...

In actionscript 3 how can I edit a textArea after applying a styleSheet?

Here is a portion of my code: var styles:String = ".keyword{color: #ff0000;} .comment{color: #00ff00;}"; var myStyleSheet:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet(); myStyleSheet.parseCSS(styles); myTextArea.htmlText = '<span class = "keyword"> red </span> uncolored <span class = "comment"> green text</span>'; Everything is fine till this point, ...

How to convert entites of JSP request arguments for html form textarea?

I am new to JSP and generating a form with a text area. Is there a library to convert the text from/to an HTML's FORM TEXTAREA that will convert to/from entities for the URL to be properly formatted/parsed? For example: textarea (named ta): simple test with ampersand & in textarea url: http://.../myapp.jsp?ta=simple+test+with+ampe...

jQuery inserting code under cursor by clicking on image

I want to insert smiley code in text area under cursor position by clicking on images. There are three images in div #smiles: And array var smiles = { 'happy': ':)', 'sad': ':(', 'normal': ':|' }; Textarea is #text I don't know is it ok to use images' urls for connection with code, or there is better way (for example, by pos...

Tinyeditor + using jquery to update

Hello, I tried to use Tinyeditor (works without js libaries)... http://www.leigeber.com/2010/02/javascript-wysiwyg-editor/ The problem i have now is... there isn't a docu on their website how to implement it to a CMS. After pressing the submit, it seems that the iframe does not send the changes to the textarea. On comments area the t...

How can I pass a Flex TextArea's scroll event up to Application?

I have a TextArea that I don't ever want to be scrolled. When scrolling within the application that holds this TextArea, however, the scrolling stops as soon as the mouse ends up over the TextArea. Is there any way to pass the scroll event to the application, or tell the TextArea to not claim the event? ...

how do I make contents of html text fields, text areas and select boxes selectable using CTRL-A?

right now when I do CTRL A on my (fairly lame) webpages, the contents of textboxes and of listboxes/select-boxes is not selected and hence cannot be easily copied. Is there a way to fix this, either directly or by replacing these lame widgets with some similar ones that explicitly support this feature? ...

jquery text area problem

i have one text area <textarea name="message" id="message" class="text_field" style="height:200px; width:500px"></textarea> if i type data in the text area like this hello this is my test message bye 'abc' i use following statement to get data from text area var message = $('#message'...

Text field methods such as getLineLength returning 0 chars in actionscript

I am creating a TextBox class that extends textArea in actionscript in adobe flex. Let's say I create an instance of this TextBox class called textBox1 and set the text equal to a textArea called textArea1 that contains a sentence: textArea1.text = "Jack and Jill went up the hill"; textBox1 = new TextBox; canvas1.addChild(textBox1); ...

Javascipt select a sentence in textarea

I'm thinking if there is a way to use javascript to pick up ANY ONE sentence from a textarea simply by clicking any position within that sentence. I'm thinking along the line of - first, get current cursor position (which I know how) - second, somehow locate the position of the previous fullstop and the next fullstop (how?) - take what...

How To Keep Size Of JTextArea constant?

Hi! I'm using an object of JTextArea in my application which deals with sending sms. I've used a DocumentFilter so as to allow only 160 characters to be typed in the textarea but now, I want the size of the textarea to be constant. it goes on increasing if I keep writing on the same line without pressing 'enter' key or even when I keep...

Textarea Adding Space To Beginning of Text?

I'm having a strange problem in that I have php inserting text into a <textarea> and the <textarea> is adding one white space to the top of my text. I created an example page to display the problem... here it the code behind the page. <textarea style="width:600px;height:100px;"><?php get_film_info('main description'); ?></textarea> <br...

Posting a textarea form with cURL

How would I go about posting a textarea form? <form method="post" action="/user/test/shoutbox/add" id="shoutPost" class="clearit"> <input name="formtoken" type="hidden" value="852f8fde54190fa5f9aa47172d492f829c1b"/> <input type="hidden" name="backto" value="/user/test/shoutbox" /> <textarea id="shoutmsg" name="message"></textarea> <inpu...

Flex/Air : Text Area with Line Number Filtering

I need to have a Text Area With Line Numbers, & once the Text File is Imported to the Text Area.. the user must be able to select the line numbers & see the filtered output. I have implemented the same with Numeric steppers. I am in search of an enhanced component. are there better Advanced Components for Textarea ? Any Advanced Textar...

Text formatting within textarea

Variations on my problem have been discussed elsewhere, so I hope I'm not duplicating! I'm implementing a simple Private Messaging System as part of a web app. I've got an annoying problem though when dynamically inserting text into a textarea box in order to make a reply. Getting the content and displaying it is fine, but I can't work o...