Here is a portion of my code:
var styles:String = ".keyword{color: #ff0000;} .comment{color: #00ff00;}";
var myStyleSheet:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
myTextArea.htmlText = '<span class = "keyword"> red </span> uncolored <span class = "comment"> green text</span>';
Everything is fine till this point, i can edit my text, of course everything is showed in black, and the html-tags are ignored. But when I put this code in myTextArea.styleSheet = myStyleSheet;
my text will be colored as i want it to be, but the textArea will become uneditable (no blinking pointer, no reaction on keyboard press).
After each keyboard-press (or if the time between two key-presses is bigger than x milliseconds ) i will re-render the textArea.text and append the <span class = "keyword"> where needed </span>
tags and put it into the textArea.htmlText, but can't seem to figure it out how to do it when style is applied.