
Text replacement for multiple script/config files

I am doing some sort of science with a combination of Python, bash scripts and configuration files with weird syntaxes from old C programs. To run different tests, I have to tune (open text file, edit and save) a number of these files, but it is getting harder and harder to remember which files to edit. Also, the tasks are very repetitiv...

Flex TextArea, increase number of rows to more than 100

I am using TextArea to display some text information in rows in flex gui, it automatically restricts the number of lines to display to 100 lines. But I want more than 100 lines in the text area. How can I increase number of lines to display? ...

FLEX 4: importing html in spark with textarea TextConverter

hi to all, I have imported a Html text into textarea using Textconverter and it works well, but I have a problem I need to mark with "image not found" if and image inside into imported html isn't more online or simply don't exist, so if anybody can help me... Thanks es. var string:String = '<img src="elvis.gif" />'; ...

Highlight changes?

HTML: <html> <body> <textarea>Original Text</textarea> <button>Replace</button> </body> </html>​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ jQuery: $(function() { $('button').click(function () { $('body').html($('body').html().replace('Original','New')); }); }); ​ http://jsfiddle.net/r7MgY/ ...

Mobile Safari shows no scrollbars on textarea

Hello, I get no visible scrollbars on the y axis with the following class .bodyTextBox { height: 150px; width: 225px; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: scroll; padding: 10px; } while every other browser works fine. Any info is very much appreciated. ...

Filling textarea with Python mechanize module

Is there a way to fill out textarea that is part of form using mechanize module for Python? ...

Embedd fonts in a TextArea in Flex4

Hi, I'm trying to embedd fonts to use with a TextArea that I have extended using the code below, but it doesn't work. I have used this code before with a TextFlow object and then set the containers with the flowComposer, but I can't get it to work with the TextArea. When using the code below and set the text with setText, all I get is ...

how to integrate jquery with jsf richfaces tags for print the image and textarea content?

hi, Here i write code to take printout the textarea content using jquery. I load the two java script (jquery-1.3.2.js and jquery.print.js) But these two source file not support rich:datascroller tag(component).. There are two problems occur: Using jquery, print succesfully worked. but rich:datascroller not worked (without using j...

Firefox / IE textarea sizing quirk - workarounds?

Try out this code in Chrome, Firefox and IE: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"&gt; <html> <head> <title>Textarea problem</title> <style type="text/css"> html, body { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0; } #co...

Insert into textarea | JavaScript

I'm trying to insert the image url where the point of the is to be when editing the textarea value. function addImageURL() { var imageurl = prompt("Enter image URL", "Your name") var post = document.getElementById("message-put").value; document.getElementById('message-put').value = post + '[img]' + imageurl + '[/img]'; } This code...

Why won't this TextArea return to non-Bold format, or is Font.PLAIN just like an "add-on"?

I am trying to Create a Simple Notepad in Java, i would post the full code but i didnt think it would be necessary since the problem is here(i think). Please Help. if(cb.getSelectedItem().equals("Plain")){ MainText.setFont(new Font(getFontName(MainText),Font.PLAIN,getFontSize(MainText)));} here are the above used methods pu...

Javascript: displaying tooltip when mouse is hovered a certain word in a textarea

So I have a textarea containing text. I want to be able to display a tooltip when my mouse is hovered a certain word inside the textarea. Is this possible at all? I would prefer to see a solution that doesn't use any third party javascript libraries. Thanks! ...

Flex 3 - Issues with textArea "editable" property

Hello Community! I'm having issues with the property "editable" of textArea control. I have a component: OrderView.mxml and it's associated data class OrderViewData.as. Orderview.mxml is inside a viewStack to enable navigation from a component to another. In this particular case, OrderView.mxml is called by another component: SearchR...

TEXTAREAs scroll by themselves (on IE8) every time you type one character

IE8 has a known bug (per connect.microsoft.com) where typing or pasting text into a TEXTAREA element will cause the textarea to scroll by itself. This is hugely annoying and shows up in many community sites, including Wikipedia. The repro is this: open the HTML below with IE8 (or use any long page on wikipedia which will exhibit the s...

Textarea without wysiwyg editor but have nice format

I have a textarea where someone can input text. I do not want a wysiwyg editor. But what would be great: Strip all tags, but make correct <p> and <br /> if user input has new lines. Additionally convert all urls, with or without http// or parameter to clickable links. I cannot find a solution. So you could type into the textarea: .....

how to get textarea's text using jQuery with newline character preserved?

Hi, I have a text area in which user enters text. I want to retrieve the text as user entered including the new line character which is automatically wrapped. how to get textarea's text using jQuery with newline character preserved? ...

view source code of page from url in textarea

I have one problem. I have one button and one textarea in a frame.I want to show the source code in that textarea when I click on button. show source code of URL that I want to show. help pleas! ...

Javascript handling textarea

Hi all, I'm a bit new to Javascript and am trying to create a delimited string from a textarea. The problem is when passing in the textarea, it adds newlines for each row on the textarea. I need to have the entire textarea parsed into a string with a delimiter for each line (replacing the newline char). So for example, if you passed i...

how to preserve layout of text in a TextArea control

Ho do I preserve the layout of text in a TextArea control in asp.net ? e.g. "This is some text:      - line 1 text      - line 2 text      - line 3 text" ...

textbox auto resize in jquery

how can i make auto resize a textbox with the help of jquery ...