
Make new document in TextMate with rb-appscript or AppleScript?

How do I make a new document in TextMate using rb-appscript or AppleScript? Here is my rb-appscript: te = app("TextMate") te.launch doc = te.make(:new => :document) But it doesn't work. Here is the error message I get: OSERROR: -10000 MESSAGE: Apple event handler failed. COMMAND: app("/Applications/TextMate.app").make({...

How do I set a custom path in textmate to find my ruby files?

I'm new to programming and trying to learn Ruby through some online tutorials. I have textmate and have created a Ruby folder in my Documents folder to hold my .rb files. While working through "Why's Poignant Guide" I came a across a two file program. One file attempts to 'require' the other. However, this doesn't work in this folder. Is...

TEXTMATE: delete comments from document

I know that you can use this to remove blank lines sed /^$/d and this to remove comments starting with # sed /^#/d but how to you do delete all the comments starting with // ? ...

Strange characters added to file in textmate / transmission

I've recently started using a mac for development, and textmate. Textmate can't work over ftp, so I installed transmission to mount the ftp server as a local drive. This all works fine, except every now and again about 10 unknown characters are appended to a file, which PHP reads as unknown input and throws and error. All I can think of...

Auto-completion in Textmate for Ruby?

I'm really used to auto-completion coming from Netbeans. In Netbeans, when I type a 'string' and then hit a 'dot' it will print out a list of methods for the String class. TextMate doesn't seem to have that function. Is it something you could add? Would save A LOT of time instead of using the ri/irb/online doc all the time. ...

Textmate and Shoulda: how to run a focused test

TextMate has a command 'run focused test'. The command fails to recognize that the code is a test, it says "Error: This doesn't appear to be a TestCase or spec." Does anyone know how to run a focused test from textmate or a trick/hack to get around this problem? Thanks! ...

How do I use Python 3.1.2 in Textmate?

TextMate 1.5.9 seems to use Python 2.6.1. How do you configure it to use 3.1 instead? I've already installed the 3.1 package and I can use IDLE for interactive sessions, but I want to use TextMate now. I've already seen the post that directs you to define a project variable (TM_PYTHON : interpreter path). I tried this, but when i use Cmd...

Text editor for scala

I'm tired of using IDEs for scala because it can take several minutes to write one line of code on my computer (before I started programming in scala I didn't surmise that it is slow). It's a great pity that there is no option to turn off some features of scala plugin (of any IDE) that devour 100% of my cpu power and not necessary for me...

The most common shortcut in Textmate doesn't work?

The shortcut for jumping to the beginning or end of a line of code with ⌘ + -> or ⌘ + <- does not work. I just get a mac os x system beep. I believe this shortcut is universal to the mac os x platform, and not specifically TextMate, and it and it does work everywhere else (TextEdit, StackoverFlow, etc.). Why would TextMate conflict wi...

How can I make Eclipse look like Textmate?

I'm encouraged to use a Linux box at work, so I'm using Eclipse for my coding. The default black on white theme is horrible, in my opinion. Is there any way I can get Twilight-style syntax coloring (for Javascript) in Eclipse? ...

I need to know what line endings setting to use for Textmate and SVN

I am using Textmate (bran new user) as my editor of choice. Today I did svn diff somefile and found that svn thinks I changed the entire file ! In Textmate, I went to Textmate -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Saving and Set Line Endings to LF (recommended). File Encoding is set to UTF8 (recommended). I guessed that this was the correct s...

TextMate Capitalize for Snippets

I've been trying to create a new TextMate snippet that allows me to create the Getters / Setters for Java. Currently this is all I can come up with: public void set${1:Var}(String $1){ this.$1 = $1; } public String get$1(){ return $1; } However, my desired snippet should take the currently selected text, eg. name and produce...

Open several windows of the same file in Textmate

Hi, do you know how can one in Textmate open several windows for the same file? So I can at the same time look and compare different parts of the same file. Thanks ...

Add Javascript syntax highlighting to the HAML TM Bundle

I have the HAML TextMate bundle and inside of the :javascript block, I'd like to have proper javascript syntax highlighting. How could I modify the HAML bundle to do this? ...

Textmate Rails3 no such file to load — bundler

When I try to run tests from TextMate in Rails3 i get an error that I trace back to boot.rb. When I try to run boot.rb via textmate I get this error: LoadError: no such file to load — bundler method gem_original_require in custom_require.rb at line 31 method require in custom_require.rb at line 31 at top level in boot.rb at line 4 ...

Calling vim or TextMate from emacs.

I've been using vi quite a while, and with a Mac, I sometimes use TextMate, and finally, I found the greatness of emacs. And, it's very likely that I settle in emacs. The problem is, I sometimes need the other (vi/TextMate) editor for doing something. It's not that emacs doesn't have the feature, it's just that I need the feature right ...

How can textmate make my python (pylons) development easier?

I have textmate, but honestly the only thing I can do with it is simply edit a file. The handy little file browser is aslo useful. (how can I show/hide that file browser anyhow!) But I have no other knowledge/tricks up my sleeve, care to help me out? ...

Text Mate double quote a selection?

Hi, is there an easy way within TextMate that I can select a string, hit some key and magically it will surround the string with double quotes. For example: I have some text here I select this text, use some command sequence and I have: "I have some text here" ...

How do you do the "therefore" (∴) symbol on a Mac or in Textmate?

Is there a way to write the ∴ therefore symbol with keyboard shortcuts in Textmate or just on a mac? ...

What's textmate's 'Go to File' fuzzy search algorithm?

Textmate's 'go to file' fuzzy search is really awesome. Wincent's Command-T plugin for vim does something similar and it rocks too. Can someone explain how these work? Is there a general term for the method they use? Edit: I little more detail about what those tools do The tools let you narrow a list of options (in this case file pa...