How do I make a new document in TextMate using rb-appscript or AppleScript?
Here is my rb-appscript:
te = app("TextMate")
doc = te.make(:new => :document)
But it doesn't work.
Here is the error message I get:
OSERROR: -10000
MESSAGE: Apple event handler failed.
COMMAND: app("/Applications/").make({...
I'm new to programming and trying to learn Ruby through some online tutorials. I have textmate and have created a Ruby folder in my Documents folder to hold my .rb files. While working through "Why's Poignant Guide" I came a across a two file program. One file attempts to 'require' the other. However, this doesn't work in this folder. Is...
I know that you can use this to remove blank lines
sed /^$/d
and this to remove comments starting with #
sed /^#/d
but how to you do delete all the comments starting with // ?
I've recently started using a mac for development, and textmate. Textmate can't work over ftp, so I installed transmission to mount the ftp server as a local drive. This all works fine, except every now and again about 10 unknown characters are appended to a file, which PHP reads as unknown input and throws and error.
All I can think of...
I'm really used to auto-completion coming from Netbeans.
In Netbeans, when I type a 'string' and then hit a 'dot' it will print out a list of methods for the String class.
TextMate doesn't seem to have that function.
Is it something you could add?
Would save A LOT of time instead of using the ri/irb/online doc all the time.
TextMate has a command 'run focused test'. The command fails to recognize that the code is a test, it says "Error: This doesn't appear to be a TestCase or spec."
Does anyone know how to run a focused test from textmate or a trick/hack to get around this problem?
TextMate 1.5.9 seems to use Python 2.6.1. How do you configure it to use 3.1 instead? I've already installed the 3.1 package and I can use IDLE for interactive sessions, but I want to use TextMate now. I've already seen the post that directs you to define a project variable (TM_PYTHON : interpreter path). I tried this, but when i use Cmd...
I'm tired of using IDEs for scala because it can take several minutes to write one line of code on my computer (before I started programming in scala I didn't surmise that it is slow). It's a great pity that there is no option to turn off some features of scala plugin (of any IDE) that devour 100% of my cpu power and not necessary for me...
The shortcut for jumping to the beginning or end of a line of code with ⌘ + -> or ⌘ + <- does not work. I just get a mac os x system beep.
I believe this shortcut is universal to the mac os x platform, and not specifically TextMate, and it and it does work everywhere else (TextEdit, StackoverFlow, etc.).
Why would TextMate conflict wi...
I'm encouraged to use a Linux box at work, so I'm using Eclipse for my coding. The default black on white theme is horrible, in my opinion. Is there any way I can get Twilight-style syntax coloring (for Javascript) in Eclipse?
I am using Textmate (bran new user) as my editor of choice. Today I did svn diff somefile and found that svn thinks I changed the entire file !
In Textmate, I went to Textmate -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Saving and Set Line Endings to LF (recommended). File Encoding is set to UTF8 (recommended).
I guessed that this was the correct s...
I've been trying to create a new TextMate snippet that allows me to create the Getters / Setters for Java.
Currently this is all I can come up with:
public void set${1:Var}(String $1){
this.$1 = $1;
public String get$1(){
return $1;
However, my desired snippet should take the currently selected text, eg. name and produce...
do you know how can one in Textmate open several windows for the same file?
So I can at the same time look and compare different parts of the same file.
I have the HAML TextMate bundle and inside of the :javascript block, I'd like to have proper javascript syntax highlighting. How could I modify the HAML bundle to do this?
When I try to run tests from TextMate in Rails3 i get an error that I trace back to boot.rb. When I try to run boot.rb via textmate I get this error:
LoadError: no such file to load — bundler
method gem_original_require in custom_require.rb at line 31
method require in custom_require.rb at line 31
at top level in boot.rb at line 4
I've been using vi quite a while, and with a Mac, I sometimes use TextMate, and finally, I found the greatness of emacs. And, it's very likely that I settle in emacs.
The problem is, I sometimes need the other (vi/TextMate) editor for doing something. It's not that emacs doesn't have the feature, it's just that I need the feature right ...
I have textmate, but honestly the only thing I can do with it is simply edit a file.
The handy little file browser is aslo useful. (how can I show/hide that file browser anyhow!)
But I have no other knowledge/tricks up my sleeve, care to help me out?
Hi, is there an easy way within TextMate that I can select a string, hit some key and magically it will surround the string with double quotes.
For example:
I have some text here
I select this text, use some command sequence and I have:
"I have some text here"
Is there a way to write the ∴ therefore symbol with keyboard shortcuts in Textmate or just on a mac?
Textmate's 'go to file' fuzzy search is really awesome.
Wincent's Command-T plugin for vim does something similar and it rocks too.
Can someone explain how these work? Is there a general term for the method they use?
Edit: I little more detail about what those tools do
The tools let you narrow a list of options (in this case file pa...