
Better syntax highlighting for js.erb files in Textmate

I'd like Textmate to highlight Ruby syntax inside <% %> tags in *.js.erb files (like it does in *.html.erb files). Right now it looks like this: As you can see, everything within the quotes is treated like a regular JS string – annoying. ...

Using textmate with applications accessed through ssh

I like using textmate to edit scripts for my analysis using R, Stata and SQL. Recently, I've had to use our grid server environment because the datasets are too large for my computer, and the ram allocations on the grid using R and STATA are much larger than what my computer has too offer. My current workflow is to open up these progra...

Textmate shortcut for add/remove HTML or JavaScript comments

Is there a shortcut in Textmate for quickly adding/removing comments in HTML/JavaScript? ...

Rails Development Productivity - Top Textmate Shortcuts

I want to improve my Rails coding productivity using Textmate. Obviously, shortcuts (whether native to Textmate or to the Mac) can greatly assist. What shortcuts give you the greatest bang for your dev buck? ...

TextMate js.erb: toggle <%= %>, <% %>

I'm using a js.erb template to render some jQuery. When editing an html.erb file in TextMate, I frequently use the convenient key combo, ctrl+>, to create and then toggle the following tags: <%= %> <% %> <%- -%> <%# %> This shortcut doesn't work by default when editing js.erb files. In the Bundle Editor, I found a snippet called "...

Why won't my Ruby script execute in TextMate?

I'm learning basic game programming using Ruby and Gosu. I've installed Gosu from RubyGems, and it is currently sitting in /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/. The full path is /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/gosu-0.7.24-universal-darwin/. When I'm working on my game script, I can execute the file just fine using the terminal comm...

Indenting partially selected lines in TextMate

Is there any way to make TextMate indent an entire line when only part of it is selected? Currently, when I select several lines by dragging my mouse over them, or holding shift and pressing up/down, pressing the indent key (Opt-TAB) only shifts the selected portion of the line by one indent level. That is worse than useless to a progr...

TextMate: Setting TM_C_FLAGS variable in the comments at the top of the C source file

How can I set the TM_C_FLAGS variable in the comments at the top of the C source file? I know I can set TM_C_FLAGS under Preferences → Advanced → Shell Variables, but I would like to set this variable separately for a C source file. ...

Convert line-broken paragraphs into single paragraphs? (Folding text?)

I have searched everywhere for an answer to this, but I think I must not be using the right lingo... I have text like this: This text is actually just one paragraph, but every few words are broken to a new line, and that's annoying as hell, because I have to go to each line and fix it by hand... Then there's a second paragraph which d...

Reindenting HTML with Embeded Ruby Code (erb)

I'm wondering if there's an existent solution to the following problem: I have the following code: <div> <div> <div><%= {:something => 'abc', :else => 'abc', :nice => 'ok'} %> </div> </div> </div> As you can see it's unested and hard to read. I was wondering if there's an existent tool preferably in ruby which c...

TextMate's default CSS bundle throws an error when trying to use code complete

I like code complete for CSS because sometimes I forget what values are available for a property. Unfortunately it seems that TextMate's default CSS bundle errors when trying to use it's implementation of Code Complete. The error it generates is... /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Support/lib/codecompletion.rb:319:in ...

How to start textmate in command line

Because I didn't create textmate link when installing, so it can not find 'mate' command. who can help me to deal with this? thanks ...

How to change the color scheme for html attributes in NetBeans?

I'm working on a TextMate like color scheme for NetBeans (twilight), I'm almost done, there's only one thing left: I can't set the html attributes highlighting. As you can see normal attributes are okay, but the ID and CLASS attributes are highlighted with this ugly greenish color. How can I fix that? Update Here's the link to the t...

OSX: copy (command-c) adds to clipboard. How to disable?

Since a while a copy action (command-c) adds the current selection to the clipboard instead of replacing the clipboard. This mostly happens while coding in TextMate but also happened in CSSedit. The action makes a distinct "click" sound. This does not happen every time I do a copy and it drives me insane. I've searched the interwebs but ...

Auto auto-complete in TextMate

I've recently switched to TextMate from Coda after getting annoyed by the long delays and general slowness of the app. There are a few annoyances in TM but it's mainly because I'm used to one over the other. One aspect that is driving me nuts however is the lack of automatic auto-complete. For example, in a CSS document in Coda I could ...