
Why does TFS 2010 installation not offer to install TFS on Win XP?

I am installing TFS 2010 on a Win XP PC. When I get to "Select features to install" it only offers to install the Team Foundation Build Service. It does not offer to install Team Foundation Server. Why oh why is this? ...

Where does TFS 2010 keeps its log files?

Where does TFS 2010 keep its logs? I'm trying to track down a bug in creating a new team project. TFS calls this the "team project creation log". ...

How do I keep folder tree and publish websites in TFS 2010?

I have a visual studio solution that consists of several web applications, windows services and other class libraries. I am in the process of configuring it for continuous integration with TFS 2010. The default build template puts every binary in the drop folder, and creates a _PublishedWebsites folder in which it publishes every web ap...

Google closure compiler and teamcity / tfs

How to make teamcity and/or TFS 2010 to run closure compiler for js files in a project. There are 2 reasons for using closure compiler: error/warning detection js minification/obfuscation - optional ...

Microsoft Test Manager 2010 Error: The required category 'Microsoft.TestCaseCategory' does not exist in team project

When I'm attempting to open any of our projects in TFS 2010 with Microsoft Test Manager 2010, I get the error: The required category 'Microsoft.TestCaseCategory' does not exist for project XXXXXXX. What is the reason for this error, and what steps can I take to resolve it? Also, is stackoverflow the right forum for this question? I fee...

how can i create a team project in TFS 2010?

i want to learn step by step in build a team project in tfs 2010 ...

UnauthorizedAccessException when downloading a file using the TFS SDK

When I try to download a file from TFS version control SDK to my computer I receive an 'UnauthorizedAccessException' saying Access to the local path I'm trying to download to is denied. I included a stripped down version of the code I am using below. var projectCollection = GetProjectCollection(); var versionControl = (VersionControlSer...

How is TFS 2010 used within Microsoft for scrum sprinting?

We are a Microsoft shop, and so using other incompatible tools for Scrum does not make as much sense. So, we use TFS - for Scrum as well. However, we found TFS templates to be rather simplistic. There is no way that MSFT can release the next Visual Studio, or the next .Net framework by doing all of the planning using TFS tasks. What is...

Managing Sample Data with VS 2010 Database

I'm using a Database Project in Visual Studio 2010 to manage all of my database code. For my application, we separate the data for each client into their own copy of the database, with a common database to map users to the appropriate database. I'd like to keep several different sample data sets in TFS along with the code and be able t...

Does creating a branch in TFS 2010 copy the code base?

hey, As far as I know, bracnhing in TFS 2008 simply duplicates the code base. Is this also true for TFS 2010? Thanks... ...

Using TFS 2010 to branch(make a copy) .Net application

I have a LOB app that we use internally that is Winforms with a Linq to SQL DAL. I want to make a copy of this so that we can test some major changes going forward. We use TFS 2010, is this what branching can do? I need to be able to edit GUI and DAL while being able to deploy it side by side with the Live version. Then, once the c...

DLL references when using TFS 2010

I am new to using TFS 2010 and was wondering the best way to add references (.e.g. AjaxControlToolKit, etc) to projects that I have added to TFS source control. Would having the references be pointed to a shared folder on the network and being pulled from there be good solution? or is there a better way to achieve such things. I have o...

I can't find priority field on a user-story (it shows up in columns in team query, but didn't do so when I double-click user story)

I hope the title says it all - I can't edit priority for a user story. Details didn't show it at all, and when I tried to edit user story using Excel - it said column is readonly:( ...

What does stack rank mean?

What's stack rank mean for a work item in Team Foundation Server 2010? Is it a user characteristic of some kind? ...

TFS Custom WorkItemType Set field to current user

I'm trying to add a custom workitemtype to TFS. I would like to have a field called SignOff, with possible values of Yes/No. Next to that I would like to have a field called SignOffBy - when you change the SignOff field the SignOffBy field should be set to the current user. <FIELD name="Signoff" refname="MyProj.Signoff" type="String...

TFS 2010 Link Extensibility

I found this article ( about link extensibility in TFS 2005. I'm wondering how to do this in TFS 2010/Visual Studio 2010. It doesn't look like the dll Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Controls.dll exists anymore, ...

Setting keypath when automatically harvesting a project using Votive

I'm using the project reference feature of WiX to harvest a project automatically using Heat. This is particularly useful since the WiX installer is being built both locally and on a TFS2010 build server, and when it's built on the build server the output is redirected to a different location meaning that if I don't automatically harvest...

TFS 2010 custom build step

I am playing with TFS 2010, and am trying to setup a build process that will have some custom steps. These include things like, stopping/starting IIS, search and replace files etc... across environments. I have tried to look for examples online and have not found anything clear and meaningful on how to just run a script or something ov...

Where are logs for witadmin actions in TFS 2010?

When running the witadmin command from the Visual Studio 2010 Command Line, where is this action logged in TFS 2010? An example command would be: C:>witadmin exportwitd -collection:http://server:8080/tfs/projectcollection -p:TeamProject -n:Bug -f:c:\Bug.xml ...

TFS 2010: Copy _PublishedWebsites to test server

I've seen similar questions and answers but found them not really what I want. I have a large solution with several web projects in it. All the web projects share some common code so they are all part of the same solution (there is a common project that is referenced by all of them). I've been running on Team Foundation Server 2008 an...