
What is WP_FRAMELEFT theme part used for?

Does anybody know what the theme parts WP_FRAMELEFT, WP_SMALLFRAMERIGHT etc are used for? Google doesn't deliver anything useful. I had a look with Windows XP Theme Explorer at them and they look like the caption of dock panels. Edit: I forgot to mention that I also searched MSDN and got only one result (Parts and States) which isn't ex...

How do I alter the #weight of the content generated by the upload.module?

On my Drupal powered website, I want to list available downloads at the top of a node page (within a narrow float:right <div>), not at the bottom where they normally appear. Within my theme, I've overridden the theme_upload_attachments() function to generate a <div> of width 40%, but this is showing up at the bottom of the page. Within...

Best blogging software themes for programmers

Anyone knows a blogging theme (like for Wordpress) that isn't super narrow and full of panels. I am looking for a blog that has the most space for post and easier on the eyes (probably light grey or white-ish). I checked out several themes but couldn't find one that's not too flashy. ...

How to remove default theme from Java Faces application?

I've never used Java before (C# is my domain), but now I have a task that I must apply a specific style to for a tiny Java webpage. The style is from another ASP.NET application that we're rolling out and that I've helped to develop. Seems that this style is on the way to become our new company web-style. :P The webpage is really tiny -...

CSS - Separation of Color and Position

I'm just wondering what others do in this respect: Do you try to keep positional CSS (layout) separate from color/flavor CSS (color, background-color, background-images, font-size and family) ? Use two stylesheets? Combine two stylesheets server-side? Abstraction layer for the CSS? or you don't even try? I know sometimes after workin...

Best Practices: CSS or Themes in ASP.NET?

When should I use ASP.NET Themes, and when should I use CSS? What are the advantages or disadvantages of using one over the other? ...

How to theme a node differently depending on being inside nodereference

I'm creating a newsletter content-type that should have its stories linked using a nodereference field. I to have one theme for the stories when they appear in the newsletter, and another when they appear in ordinary views or in their own page. I have two reasons: Later I'll want to send the newsletter by mail and I'll have to make a...

ASP.NET set theme based on URL

I have a web app that up until now has been skinned (just basic colours and logos, nothing complicated) to a single company , however now since the merging with another company the site needs to be branded as two seperate companies (operation is exactly the same for both, and they share the same data). The simplest way would be to just c...

Anyone know what IDE settings Scott Guthrie is using?

I'm looking to modify my font's and colors to match what Scott Guthrie has. Has he posted this anywhere? ...

jQuery UI datepicker css

How can I apply my own theme to a datepicker or at least apply a theme from jQuery to it? ...

Changing favicon based on theme

Is there a built in way to change the favicon for different themes? If not would it be as simple as creatign a custom control to emit the link tag with the correct url to the icon? Update So based on what I have found in order to do this, it looks like I am going to have to create an http handler that will intercept all calls for favi...

How to adapt WordPress theme to

Do you know any guidelines on how to create a new theme having source code of a WordPress theme? ...

Set Emacs defaut font face per-buffer/mode

How do you change the default face which Emacs uses to style text on a per-mode basis? For example, say that I am already happy with the face customizations that I have, which include a default fixed-width font. However, in one particular mode (markdown-mode.el, say), I want the default font to be variable-width. It is easy to style he...

Multiple themes and masterpages in VB.NET

I was looking at Blogengine.NET today and he has an interesting setup for Themes, figured I wanted to do something similar, however.. I can't make it work at all. For each theme he has a folder like: /themes/Indigo/ /themes/Standard/ /themes/Mobile/ Each theme contains a site.master and they all have their own codebehind that looks ...

How do I match my controls' styles to the current theme? (WPF)

If I create a custom control with WPF, how can I provide styles for the control that match the currently applied theme (Aero, Luna, Classic, etc.)? For example I'd like to apply the following when using Aero: <Style> <Setter Property="Background" Value="White"/> </Style> But then apply a different style when using Luna: <Style> ...

ToolStripProfessionalRenderer for Visual Studio 2008 Look-and-Feel

I came across this link today that offers a ToolStripProfessionalRenderer implementation for the Office 2007 look-and-feel. From what I can tell, it would be fairly straightforward (albeit tedious) to customize this to support various other themes, such as the silver and black themes of Office 2007. More specifically, I'd like to find ...

Can you turn off visual styles/theming for just a single windows control?

My Windows Forms application uses the following standard line of code so that visual styles (theming) is enabled for the entire application... Application.EnableVisualStyles(); ...which works just fine, all the controls have a themed appearance instead of the flat battleship gray that you would get otherwise. But I need to turn off vi...

How do I change the current windows theme programatically?

I want to allow my users to toggle the current user theme between Aero and Windows Classic(1). Is there any way that I can do this programatically? I don't want to pop up the "Display properties", and I'm dubious about just changing the registry. (This requires a log out and a log back in for the changes to take effect). Application sk...

How to Access a Local Resource in a Theme from an Page?

I have a resource file placed in the App_LocalResources folder inside the folder for a theme in App_Themes like so: \App_Themes\Theme1\App_LocalResources\Resources1.aspx.resx How can I access the resources in this file from a web form in my project, assuming the web form is called Resources1.aspx having Theme="Theme1"? ...

How to exclude a specific CSS file from an ASP.NET Theme?

I'm making a website that will have to render correctly on FF/IE6/IE7/Opera/Safari. IE6 came as a late requirement (when I had done all the other browsers) and it just has to be useable, not necessarily the same as on the other browsers. Now I'm tweaking it so that it's useable on IE6 as well. To this end I've created another stylesheet...