
Do you change the way you think when moving between Java and C#

This is a question for anyone who has the pleasure to work in both Java and C#. Do you find that you have to make a mental context switch of some kind when you move from one to the other? I'm working in both at the moment and because the syntax and libraries are so similar and yet subtly different I'm finding it frustrating when i move...

Why do people have trouble learning recursion?

As per the title. Why do people have a hard time grasping a function that calls itself? It took most of my friends a week or two to get it. ...

References for thinking Objected Oriented

I would like to start thinking in Object Oriented ways. What are the top books and online resources? I saw this post for the TOOTP 3rd edition, is that the best way to change my thought process of programming? Thanks! ...

When/How do you do your best "sloshing"?

Not sure if this word is used as commonplace, but "sloshing" was introduced to me as a student. It's that time where you consciously put a problem into the back of your mind b/c you can't immediately, while at your minds forefront, conceive an answer. Inevitably, a solution will come to you as you casually think about your problem wh...

What were the most profound differences in your thought process from learning a new language?

According to the Pragmatic Programmer anyone who strives to become a better programmer should learn a new language every year. The basis behind this is to develop your thought process and to challenge you to think about your programming techniques in different ways. What programming language made you change your thought process the most...

Struggling on implementation idea

Hello, What I mean is that when I want to implement something and I have an idea how to do it, I always try to think for other implementation solutions and if I haven't get any I start to struggle about my first though/idea of implementation.Is it really good? Or will other developers think that I did wrong? So these thoughts consumes m...

rake paperclip:refresh class=foobar from S3..

I am try to perform the function: rake paperclip:refresh class=foobar And it begins to work, but it looks like it gets hung up with this stack.. : ** Invoke paperclip:refresh (first_time) ** Invoke paperclip:refresh:metadata (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment ** Execute paperclip:refresh:metadata r...