
.NET framework execution aborted while executing CLR stored procedure?

I constructed a stored procedure that does the equivalent of FOR XML AUTO in SQL Server 2008. Now that I'm testing it, it gives me a really unhelpful error message. What does this error mean? Msg 10329, Level 16, State 49, Procedure ForXML, Line 0 .NET Framework execution was aborted. System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was...

Can a thread ever throw more than one ThreadAbortException?

Im not sure this is the correct forum for this type of question, but Im currently trying to find a bug I cant reproduce in a web service using a memory dump and I think I have a specific question I need help with, that I think someone might have some input on. Analyzing a memory dump using WinDbg I find aprox 75000 ThreadAbortExceptions...

Thread.Abort doesn't seem to throw a ThreadAbortException because of AcceptSocket

I am calling ChannelServer.ListeningThread.Abort on the following thread, however nothing seems to happen. I would like to be more specific, but I can't think of anything more. There seems to be no ThreadAbortException that is thrown, and this exception should be thrown regardless of the blocking listener (it works perfectly on threads t...

Asp.Net Range-Specific Requests ThreadAbortException Thread was being aborted

I am using class at ( a version of to protect downloads from leech and provide resume. It works fine but every now and then i get System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at System.Web.UnsafeNativeMetho...

.NET - Using WebClient.Download File in a One-Way WebService

I have a simple one-way web service in my C# .NET web application. I need to download an image from a given URL and save it to my server. However, every OTHER time I call the service it works perfectly. The other times I get a "Thread was being aborted" exception on the webClient.DownloadFile line. I've read that WebClient uses httpWe...

Server.Transfer in Try-catch :Thread abort exception

What is the equivalent of Response.Redirect("abc.aspx",false) when i use Server.Transfer instead of Response.Redirect.I use false as the second param of Response.Redirect to stop receiving the ThreadAbort exception in a try catch block I want to get rid of the Thread.Abort exception when i use Server.Transferis in a try catch block....