
Can I declare that a php function throws an exception?

Can I declare a function in php that throws an exception? For example: public function read($b, $off, $len) throws IOException ...

In flash AS3 How to put single try catch code, in order to catch any errors in whole class?

Hi all, In Flash AS3 i wanna write the single try catch block in order to catch any errors in whole class. For ex, i have a lot of functions in I don'w wanna write in each function try catch blocks in order to catch errors in this function. Is there any methods to do this? Thank you ...

Newer version of "... or die(..."

A long time ago I used to use "or die" in my PHP code. Especially like this: $q = mysql_query('......') or die(mysql_error()); Obviously, that's pretty shameful these days, but the X or Y principle still speaks to me. So I though I'd try this: $r = $this->exec($query) or throw new Exception('FAIL'); but that results in a parse erro...

Throw VS rethrow : same result ?

Hello, refering to a lot of documentation on the net, particularly on SO, eg : there should be a difference between "throw e;" and "throw;". But, from :, this code : using System...

Is this considered memory leak?

The general rule, only objects allocated in the free store can cause memory leaks. But objects created in the stack doesn't. Here is my doubt, int main() { myclass x; ... throw; ... } If throw is not handled, it calls, terminate(), which in turn calls abort() and crashes the application. At this tim...

What does mean this C++ code: "void Foo() throw;"?

Question from the one interview. Please explain what does this C++ code mean: void Foo() throw; ...

C++ re-throw an exception caught by ...

Hi, how can I re-throw an exception caught by catch(...) block? ...

How do exceptions work (behind the scenes) in C#

Identical to "How do exceptions work (behind the scenes) in C++", but for C#. I know that the steps below have to be performed when an exception is thrown. Find the nearest handler for the exception type; Unwind the stack up to the handler level; Call the handler; Find and call every finally blocks. How does .NET handles these opera...

C++ Exception throw annotations on virtual functions

Hello all, I saw the following snippet code: class Foo { public: void virtual func() throw (int, float) = 0; }; class Bar : public Foo { public: void virtual func() throw(short); // line 1: compile error " // looser throw specifier" void...

Can someone cite a good reference for programming with exceptions?

I prefer to have the "rc" error-code return style of error management. I agree that this presents challenges that are better served by throw-catch, however, I still feel that I am not designing and implementing in a style that is clean and maintainable. So, I am looking for a good book that discusses the pattern and is not simply a ref...

AIR - Throwing An Uncaught Exception From Published Application?

in debugging my AIR app i can throw errors that are uncaught, which present themselves in a new window panel with the descriptive error string argument. in a published AIR app there is no error panel that appears. i've checked my system error log and nothing appears there either. it doesn't seem to matter what is the window chrome as ...

identify an exception in an overall iphone app

Hi friends, How to identify an exception in an overall iphone app and throughing to user as alertview(like nsurlconnection exception) Regards, sathish ...