
How to save jpg image to database and then load it in Delphi using FIBplus and TImage?

How to save jpg image to database and then load it in Delphi using FIBplus and TImage? ...

How can I display a transparent PNG on Delphi 2007?

The TImage control doesn't support PNG. Is there some third party component that will? Thanks! ...

x,y cordinates for Timage in delphi

on click event i would like to extract the x,y cordinates of the mouse, in fact i would like them in relation to the image but in relation to the form or window is just as good. ...

Transparency in TImage

When a new TImage is created it is transparent. After drawing objects to this image I would like to clear them. Note that I need to keep the image transparent as the TImage is being used as an overlay to another image. Some sort of "clear" function for the TImage would be best. I think I'm missing something simple here, I just could not...

Delphi: creating & displaying TImage on FormCreate

Being quite a newbie, I've just had my first question answered (Delphi: TImage.Create causes Access violation) to immediately bump into a new problem: procedure TSelectorForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var Loop: Byte; begin for Loop := 1 to 10 do begin ArrayOfImages[Loop] := TImage.Create(SelectorForm); MainForm.MyImageL...

How to get the current view size for an image in Delphi 2009

I wish to get the current size for an image being displayed with TImage, this object has the Proportional property set to True and is aligned to Client with main form. So, when resizing the form I wanna get the current size for that image, not canvas size neither real size for that image. Getting the current size I can show what's the pe...

How to tile a Image in TImage?

Hello, How do I tile a image in a Timage in Delphi? Why I need it: Instead of creating more TImages at runtime,I could create one and store my image there knowing that it will be 'fit' until it reaches TImage's height and width. Please suggest any ideas to do this. Thank you! EDIT: Please note,I'm not asking for streching the image,...

How to draw on the entire area of a resized TImage in Delphi?

I've narrowed a problem I have drawing on TImage.Canvas in Delphi 2009 down to the following reproducible case: Given: a form, a TImage, TLabel and TButton on it. The TImage is anchored to all four edges so that resizing the form will resize the TImage. What I want to be able to do is draw on the maximal area of Image1 available to me a...

Can I retrieve Filename for TPicture directly?

I have a Delphi application which displays an image using a TImage. The location of the image is stored in a database and retrieved on load and set directly using code similar to below: Image1.Picture.LoadFromFile(Query1.FieldByName('image').AsString); I want to be able to display and edit the Filename being loaded during the above, ...

Scale an image nicely in Delphi?

I'm using Delphi 2009 and I'd like to scale an image to fit the available space. the image is always displayed smaller than the original. the problem is TImage Stretch property doesn't do a nice job and harms the picture's readability. I'd like to see it scaled like this instead: Any suggestions how best to do this? Tried JVCL, ...

Can a TImage handle a 32bpp JPG Image?

For some reason, when I load a JPG image at design-time, the image shows as a grey scale image with vertical bars reminiscent of TV scan lines. and the image is not sized properly. The image is 500x364 32 bpp, and previews beautifully. Is there a limitation of TImage in terms of colour depth? ...

programatically testing if there was assigned an image to a TImage on a form

There's a TImage component on a form in my program. In some situation, the program must test: If "there is an image assigned to the picture property of the TImage component" then ............. How can I do this? Thanks in advance. ...

[Delphi] TImage losing loaded picture

Running Turbo Delphi Pro. I'm using TImage to display a png image. When I restart Delphi and load the dpr file, TImage is still there, but the picture is lost, requiring a reload of the picture before compiling. At first I thought it's a path issue, so I loaded the picture from the same directory as the dpr, but it didn't help. What ...

Zoom image using delphi

Hello All, I am working with delphi. I have TImage, to which I assign a bitmap. imgmain.Picture.Bitmap := bmpMain; imgmain.Picture.Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit; imgmain is object of TImage and bmpMain is object of TBitmap I want to zoom my image. I have one trackbar on my form and as I click on trackbar the image should get zoom...

Problem with TImage and TScrollBox

I am working with delphi. I have one scroll box in which I am putting TImage control. Now I wanted to zoom the image rendered into TImage control. So, I am using stretchDraw method of TCanvas. My code is - if sbZoom.Down then begin rct := imgmain.Picture.Bitmap.Canvas.ClipRect; rct := Rect(rct.Left * 2,rct.Top * 2,rct.R...

Using an ImageMap extracting Images (PNG) and display on TImage

Hi, I'm trying to achieve the following: Assume a large png (transparent background 16000 x 70px) which contains 50 different other png files... I need to load that png and extract individual pngs from it (best would be e.g. to have kind of a function which I could say by coords (left, top, height, width) which png I would like to extra...

Timage Transparencies on laptops in Delphi 7

WHAT I AM TRYING TO DO I am trying to draw multiple graphics to a Timage, These graphics that i Draw consist of ordered layers with Foodfills and lines. I use multiple buffers to ensure ordering and double buffering. WHAT I AM DOING procedure DrawScene(); var ObjLength,LineLength,Filllength,Obj,lin,angle,i:integer; Npoints : a...

how to use Picture.LoadFromFile() in TcustomContol

I created a TSkinPanel derive from TcustomControl it has a FGraphic: TPicture. the FGraphic is drawn on the canvas of the TSkinPanel and works fine if you load and image from the TObject Inspector. but i doesnt won'k work on loading image on runtime "Form1.SkinPanel1.Picture.LoadFromFile('skin.bmp'); ...

Delphi 6 : How to create a Bitmap with TextOut that has an Alpha channel?

I'll describe my overall goal in case the question I asked isn't in the best form to get the answer I'm looking for. I have a sphere of words or "word ball" that spins around the X axis. As words spin to the back (Z coordinate goes from -1 to 1, front to back), I intend to change the size and the opacity of each word so that words in "...

Delphi 6 : How can I display large size high quality Text via the TextOut() method?

I have a TImage component that I print a Text string to using TCanvas.TextOut(). I set the height and width of the TImage to a large size like 50 pixels X (TextWidth) pixels, and set the Canvas font Height to something a little smaller like 48 pixels. I then BitBlt() the TImage's bitmap on to the main Canvas. What I see on the screen ...