
TIME_WAIT on Loopback Interface

Why is it that TCP connections to a loopback interface end up in TIME_WAIT (socket closed with SO_DONTLINGER set), but identical connections to a different host do not end up in TIME_WAIT (they are reset/destroyed immediately)? Here are scenarios to illustrate: (A) Two applications, a client and a server, are both running on the same ...

What's the difference between TIME-WAIT Assassination and SO_REUSEADDR

I was reading about using the SO_LINGER socket option to intentionally 'assassinate' the time-wait state by setting the linger time to zero. The author of the book then goes on to say we should never do this and in general that we should never interfere with the time-wait state. He then immediately recommends using the SO_REUSEADDR opt...

Waiting on a threadpool in C#

Duplicate of Wait for pooled threads to complete. I have X number of functions waiting to be given to a threadpool and the threadpool has a maxnumber of threads as 5.I need to find a solution to make the main thread wait until all the X functions are executed. Code looks like this : for(int i=0;i<Rulecnt;i++) ...

Too many TIME_WAIT connections

We have a fairly busy website (1 million page views/day) using Apache mod proxy that keeps getting overloaded with connections (>1,000) in the TIME_WAIT state. The connections are to port 3306 (mysql), but mysql only shows a few connections (show process list) and is performing fine. We have tried changing a bunch of things (keep alive o...

Wait in console

How I can make wait x sec in console (cmd), without "timeout" command? ...

How to show a splash screen to kill the time while data is loaded?

When starting my app I at first have to read in some data, have to init some forms and so on. For that time the user sees just grey getting-ready to show something forms. This lasts for a few seconds... I thought of a Splash Screen that loads the data in a seperate Thread and also shows how long it will take. Or just a status bar? How...

cakephp simpletest webtester delay/sleep function

hi, I am using simpletest to do integration testing of my websites, and I need to tell the internal browser to wait for a certain amount of time (as the page is being redirected), and then do assertText. Is there an easy way to do this ? Regards ...

tcp connection in TIME_WAIT won't allow reconnect, java

hi all, After making a tcp connection to a server, I close my linux application and Socket.close() is called. Checking netstat -pant, I see the connection is in TIME_WAIT status. This prevents me from making an immediate connection back to the server since I'm using the same port to connect from. Instead, I have to wait for the conne...

Hibernate causing too many time_wait connections

I am using Hibernate 3 and I am facing a problem related to connections being closed. I am using c3p0- and I checked onto the connections to database server opened by Hibernate, I found that there are established connections which are 5 in number; at some TCP ports of server (see below log). But these established connection...

What is the cost of many TIME_WAIT on the server side?

Let's assume there is a client that makes a lot of short-living connections to a server. If the client closes the connection, there will be many ports in TIME_WAIT state on the client side. Since the client runs out of local ports, it becomes impossible to make a new connection attempt quickly. If the server closes the connection, I w...

Wait Untill print is complete - Jquery Asp.net MVC

Hello, I am a newbie. please excuse me if it is a very basic question. I am hiding and showing CSS on window.print(). on IE8 and FF The page execution stops until i respond on print ( either print or cancel) and then it starts again and completes the page load. But on IE6 and IE7 the page load is not waiting until i respond on print d...

How to use TimeUnit.timedWait() without losing nanosecond precision?

I'm trying to implement Future.get(long, TimeUnit) in terms of TimeUnit.timedWait(Object, long). It's not clear how to use TimeUnit.timedWait(Object, long) in a way that handles spurious wakeups without losing the nanosecond component of TimeUnit. Normally you'd do something like this: public V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) { long...

Perl Parallel::ForkManager wait_all_children() takes excessively long time

I have a script that uses Parallel::ForkManager. However, the wait_all_children() process takes incredibly long time even after all child-processes are completed. The way I know is by printing out some timestamps (see below). Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this (I have 16 CPU cores on my machine)? my $pm = Parallel::For...

How can I make the android program display a layout and then wai a few sec. and the display another layout?

Hi guys I just want the program to display the layout main0 and stay for a few secounds then display layout main1 like the programs we see in any phone where an image or layout show up at the start of the program and then fade. /**the main activity */ public class rdwt extends Activity implements OnClickListener{ Button b1; Button b2;...

Why does java thread wait() work only with time limit in here?

Hi, I am trying to get familiar with Java threads for the SCJP and I had a question. In the below-written code i simply created: two Runnables with a common data storage (an array) and a synchronized write() method to fill it with data successively leaving a letter as a mark for each Runnable (A and B) in sequence. I know the code...