
leaving a time delay in python

is there any way to leave a time delay between the execution of two lines of code? ...

How can I make a time delay in Python?

I want to know how to put delay in a Python script. ...

Variable speed of response with jQuery Ajax requests

When I perform an asynchronous request with jQuery Ajax, sometimes the response is returned quickly in 800 ms, somtimes it's slow and the response is returned in 2.50s (avg), and sometimes it hangs, and just shows the loading images. I'm not sure if it's because of my PHP code or jQuery Ajax code. I send some values using jQuery Ajax: ...

Time-Delayed MySQL "Update" for More Realistic Tally of Online Video Views

I'm creating a video embed page for a real estate site, where a user can go to watch a video tour of a given home. There is no other reason to visit that particular page, so I figured that I could use a simple MySQL Update to a "video view tally" column for that homes's row, which will update views=views+1 each time the page is loaded. ...

OnKeyUp JavaScript Time Delay?

Hi Again Masters Of The Web :) Now, I have got a new stupid question, and I am asking to forgive me. I read everywhere about this solution, but didn't find the one that works for me. I have got: <input name="domain" type="text" id="domain" onKeyUp="javascript:chk_me();"> All I am asking is how to make this not to check after a button...

Threads in twisted... how to use them properly?

I need to write a simple app that runs two threads: - thread 1: runs at timed periods, let's say every 1 minute - thread 2: just a 'normal' while True loop that does 'stuff' if not the requirement to run at timed interval I would have not looked at twisted at all, but simple sleep(60) is not good enough and construction like: l = task....

jquery delay effect

Hi. I am developing a mega menu for an ecommerce site. I have uploaded the current version here: http://www.nicklansdell.com/menu/. The menu works great with or without javascript at the moment. What I would really like is to improve the usability when the user have javascript enable by creating a short delay before the menu animates out...

method chaining in mootools using delay for fade effect

Hi, I want to use method chaining in moo tools 1.2. My requirements are as below. When page load complete. My one div element say "my_div" is set to hidden visibility. After half second its opacity set to 0.4 Then again after half second its opacity set to 0.7 Then again after half second its opacity set to 1. So how could i do th...

basic delay on jquery .click function

I have the most basic jquery function of them all, but I couldn't find a way in the documentation to trigger the contents of this click function after say 1500 milliseconds: $('.masonryRecall').click(function(){ $('#mainContent').masonry(); }); P.S. just noticed the .delay function jquery 1.4, although, I am using version 1.3. I do...

ASP/AJAX - Client Timer synchronous with Server Timer

Hi, I'm searching for an example with an client timer that ticks synchronous with an server timer. Also there must be a button on the client side which can reset the server timer to an default value, and with this it also resets the client timer ofcourse. I tried it myself but it seems that there is some postback delay which makes it...

show button after some time delay in actionscript3

I've been working with actionscript 3.0 and have an array that gives me some text and a button on each new page (clicking the button gets me to the next text-page and button). I'd now like my button to not appear on each page immediately, but time delayed, maybe wait 10 seconds or so before it appears. Does anyone have an idea how I coul...

sendEmptyMessageDelayed : Android

Does this call block? Or is it in another thread and control can go beyond this statement? ...

implement time delay in c

Hi! I don't know exactly how to word a search for this.. so I haven't had any luck finding anything.. :S I need to implement a time delay in C. for example I want to do some stuff, then wait say 1 minute, then continue on doing stuff. Did that make sense? Can anyone help me out? ...

Jquery: Loading an HTML page and then another html page via AJAX

//when document loads $(document).ready(function() { //navigation item is clicked $('.nav_item').click(function() { //get the clicked nav items id var nav_item = $(this).attr("id"); var location_to_load = nav_item + '.html'; //load the loading html then the page $('#sliding_content_container').load('loa...